Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 1st December 2021

Spelling - sh sound spelt si or ssi

decision, collision, Asia, discussion, revision, impression, expansion, vision, transmission, obsession, passion, recession

Maths - Please can you continue to learn these fraction, decimal and % equivalences

IXL - Maths M10 - M15 Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators

You have two weeks to complete these strands of IXL consolidating the work from the previous weeks.

English - Rosa Parks or Harriet Tudman

You now have your research on Henry for our Outcome 1 biography, today you need to collate information on EITHER Rosa Parks or Harriet Tudman for your Outcome 2 biography. The more you collate, the better research you will have to write about.

Think about:

  • DATES - significant dates that appear in their life

  • Significant people.

  • Significant places.

  • Context specific vocabulary.