"Enthusiasm moves the world"

What a great first week back we have had here in Year 2! It has been lovely to see those enthusiastic, smiley faces walking through the door each morning and the children have without a doubt thrown themselves straight back into their learning! It has also been a week filled with excitement, as on Thursday morning, the children came into a classroom filled with new chairs! I don’t think I’ve ever seen the children get their things ready for the day as quickly as they did yesterday morning - they were all so eager to test out their new seats! Overall, the chairs get a definite thumbs up from Year 2!

The excitement continued as the children discovered that their new topic in English this term is Traditional Tales. On Tuesday we played a game to see how many tales the children could match to significant images and had a brilliant discussion about different fairytales, characters and plots. Throughout the week we have then fully immersed ourselves into all things Traditional Tales. We have been reading, acting, sequencing and even watching our favourite tales.

In maths we have moved onto addition and subtraction. We have been looking at fact families and how subtraction is the inverse of addition. We also jogged our memory and revisited greater than, less than and equal to when we compared different number sentences.

RE discussions have been beautiful this week as we have discussed what is meant by the term ‘mystery’. All of the children wrote their own ‘I wonder’ questions, which the rest of the class enjoyed trying to answer. We concluded that many of our ‘I wonders’ are mysteries and can’t be answered. With questions such as ‘I wonder how God made the world in just seven days?’ and ‘I wonder how big the sky is?’, we had plenty to discuss and ponder!

What an amazing start to the term Year 2 - let’s keep it up!

Let’s Celebrate

Toby, what a great start to the term you have had!  You have been so focused and have managed any distractions that have been around you brilliantly this week.  You have put your all into every piece of work and have tried really hard on your presentation.  You should feel so proud of all the work you have completed this week – we are certainly very proud of you! 

My goodness, what an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee you have been this week Louis – your brain definitely benefitted from that rest in the holidays!  You have joined in so wonderfully in every lesson and your concentration and focus has been tremendous.  This amazing focus has then led to you completing some great work because you have known exactly what to do and have been able to complete it independently.  Well done!


Wellies - We have been busy evaluating how we can continue to use the school grounds, even when the weather isn’t the best. With such a wonderful environment outside, it is shame that the children cannot use the field when it has been raining. We have decided that, just like our Reception children, the rest of the school can bring in a pair of wellies in a strong carrier bag, and if possible, the two wellies held together with a peg. These will be kept on the children’s coat peg so that they can put them on and use and explore the grounds at break and lunchtime, even when it’s wet! Thank you in advance.

Thank you to those who have paid for our class trip to Imagine That in Liverpool on Thursday 25th November. If you haven’t yet paid, please do so as soon as possible. I will be posting more about the trip in the coming weeks.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families. For those attending any bonfire or firework events, I hope you have a great time but please do keep safe.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.