"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future" O.Wilde

Dear parents it was lovely to have all the children back in school this week.

We have not held back - we’ve jumped straight back into the learning. In maths we have been exploring decimals fractions, working in quarters (0.25) and fifths (0.2) all really tricky! In English we got a crack on with our class novel “Antigone”. The children have been rather shocked by the events in the story. In the book King Creon is a tyrant and we have been making parallels to other great villains for example Darth Vader and the Queen of Hearts. In History we have worked hard on our interpretation skills, learning how important the source of the information really is. In art we began our painting and printing work and in music we rapped! Swimming went swimmingly and Amber and India moved groups - well done girls. We have progressed in rugby too - 5 v 5 games and the pass back rule has to be respected. The children did really well but we must remember not to panic but to run forwards too!

We started the week learning about the saints on All Saints Day and then commemorating those who have gone before us the following day (All Souls). We have finished the week studying St. Martin and St Vincent two men who understood how to care for people and Gods beautiful world.


This week the growth mindset certificates went to: Mason and Christian

Last half term the class also agreed to create a new weekly certificate for compassion. Mason has designed and made the certificate for us and Mrs Nel and I felt that the whole class should receive it this week - however I have also awarded a special one to India because Miss Hornby stopped me on Thursday evening after school to tell be of a lovely act of kindness India had performed without any of her teachers knowing - you were spotted India!


Reading assessments - I will be sharing the results of the reading assessments with the children in class once completed next week. If you would like me to email them to you with hints on how to help I would be happy to - please email to request these later next week.

Wellingtons/ old trainers: Due to Covid we continue to play in smaller groups outside. We are also using the playground for PE. Sometimes this means we really need to be on the field. Our field is lovely and big but is is also very sandy/muddy - sadly we walk this into school afetr using the field and it makes the job of sweeping and mopping hard. We have a box outside class in which we can keep wellingtons and old trainers. If your child could bring some to keep here then they will be able to change into them when we’re playing on the field this winter - keeping the classroom cleaner. Thank you