Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Once you choose hope, anything is possible.'

Welcome back to our second half term. I hope that you have had a lovely time with your families this holiday. The children have come back into class this week, immediately picking up from where they left off; they really do amaze me. It was so lovely to see you all virtually before half term to discuss how well they have been doing in class and how well they have settled into Year 6. Thank you all for your lovely comments and questions. Relationships are so important and I know we have fostered some really strong ones that will support your children emotionally, spiritually and academically.

As we move into our second half term, we will be exploring what it means to be faith-filled and hopeful. The perfect virtues to look at as we prepare for Advent and Christmas. All Saints and All Souls started our week. We looked at the traditions of the feast days and what we celebrate now.

Loving Learning

I do not think we could have fit more learning into this week if we had tried! It has been fast paced and non stop but what the children have produced is fantastic.

In English we have completed our unit of work on The Nowhere Emporium. The class have all written their outcome 2 narratives and we are just 4 chapters away from finding out what has happened to Lucien Silver. Next week, we will be starting our work on biographies. Retrieval is a big focus in Maths, I am constantly asking the children to recall knowledge from previous lessons and previous year groups. This week has been no different. Equivalence has been a constant discussion, linking fractions, decimals and percentages. Please ensure you have seen this week’s Maths homework and support your child with growing and securing their knowledge further.

We have also:

  • Evaluated our South American Book Creators, ready to start coding next week.

  • Created a retrieval map in geography and watched David Attenborough’s speech at COP26 on deforestation. Why not watch the video below. You can’t help but be moved by it.

  • Started our unit of work on the Tudor dynasty. Henry VIII is a fascinating character - I wonder if the children’s opinions on him will change by the end of our enquiries?

  • Completed our PE unit of work in gymnastics and started looking at invasion games principles in games outside.

Next week, we will be also starting our RHE work using Kidsafe. Each week the lessons will have a different focus. Please read the letter attached to find out more about what we will be studying.

Leading Learners

Well done to Adam and Elise this week.

Adam, you have thoroughly got involved in learning this week and pushed yourself to be better each day. You constantly listen to feedback, reflect on it and then strive to be the best version of yourself. Thank you for your efforts.

Elise, you lead learning every day in our classroom. This has been especially evident when reading our novel. You have questioned, predicted, explained and explored. Thank you for being a wonderful learning resource in our classroom.

Water Parks Residential 2022

We have been busy evaluating how we can continue to use the school grounds, even when the weather isn’t the best. With such a wonderful environment outside, it is shame that the children cannot use the field when it has been raining. We have decided that, just like our reception children, the rest of the school can bring in a pair of wellies in a strong carrier bag, these will be kept on the peg so that the children can use and explore the grounds at break and lunchtime.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families.

Mrs Gregan