Year 3 Home Learning 5.11.21


This week we are looking at adding the prefix ‘dis’ and ‘in’ at the start of words. Please talk about the means and how adding the prefix to the start of a word changes the meaning.

Here are this weeks spellings:

  1. like - dislike

  2. action - inaction

  3. obey - disobey

  4. visible - invisible

  5. appear - disappear

  6. capable - incapable

  7. approve - disapprove

  8. complete - incomplete

Please also remember to practise this half terms spellings. You will find these in the front of your homework book.

Maths IXL:

Please complete Z.7 and Z.8: angles; acute, obtuse or right angles.


This week we have started to look at the digestive system in humans. Please have a go at the To Do: ‘Digestive system’ on purple mash. Can you remember the name of each part of our body that is used?


This week we have been thinking about how we feel when somebody trusts us to do a job. All the children said that they felt special when they were given a job. Maybe this week you could think of a job that you could take ownership of at home. You could then use your homework book to reflect on how you felt carrying out the job throughout the week and how you made your family feel too.

This half term our new virtues are: Faith-filled and hopeful

Here is a prayer that we would really like for you to incorporate into your evening routines….

A Prayer for Faith Adrian Porter SJ
I pray today for your gift of faith:
Faith in myself,
because you created me with great love;
Faith in my family,
because in their care I grow day by day;
faith in my friends and community,
because each one is your daily gift to me;
faith in you,
because you are my Lord and my God.
Through Christ our Lord.
