Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Don't be afraid to take on the biggest of challenges, they offer the greatest reward.'

We have reached the end of a very busy half term, and what a half term it has been. I know I say this most weeks, but I really am in awe of the work that the children are completing and the expectations that they have of themselves. Whether it be science, maths, music or art, the children always get fully stuck into their learning and become immersed by what they are being taught. I am so very proud of them all.

Being an active and curious learner.

It has been another busy week this week. I am sure the children have come home each night with tales of what each of the assessment papers have brought. It is often really hard plunging into the unknown, but that is exactly what the children have done this week. Every morning, the children have come into school determined to give their papers the best shot. Lots and lots of lessons have been learnt which will enable us to build and move forward after half term. I have encouraged the children to think about their progress and where they want to be next time they take a set of papers. Marginal gains is what it is all about. Over half term, the children will have their folders at home. This is their opportunity to share their work with you and to purple pen. After half term, we will be going through the papers with a fine tooth comb for feedback.

It is really important to remember that the Year 6 curriculum has not been fully covered yet and we still have plenty of time. Please celebrate your child’s achievements and help them to develop their own targets. They need a really big rest this half term and to recharge their batteries ready for the next half term.

Online Safety

In the midst of our busy week, we devoted a large amount of conversation time to online safety. Tuesday was National Online Safety Day. Children from all over the country will have been looking carefully at their online behaviour; hopefully they will have learnt a thing or two.

In class we started by looking at all of the ways technology enhances our lives. Medical science featured heavily and the fact that parents can now work from home as the result of technological advances. This then led onto the discussion around screen time. I asked the children to record their screen time and non-screen time for an average week - the results were alarming! The button below will take you to our databases that we have created. Ask your child to show you their work, see if you agree with their analysis of their week.

Leading Learners

It is that time again when the children vote for their learner of the half term. The class decided that they wanted to vote for two people who are a wonderful role model to younger children and who are always kind. Well…the staff obviously did a wonderful job selecting our Head Boy and Head Girl for this year.

Well done to Clayton and Ava this week.

Some beautiful things were said about you both.

You should be proud of yourselves, we are very proud of you.

School Sport

One of my biggest disappointments that has occurred due to the pandemic is that inter-school sport had to be paused for a little while. Although physical development and sport has continued to thrive within school, we have always enjoyed competing against others. Representing the school is a special moment for all pupils.

After half term, we will be resuming netball and football training for Year 5 and 6 pupils - hurray! We are excited to be able to build up to our first inter-school tournament for Year 6 pupils at the end of March. Year 5 children are able to train alongside Year 6 as training partners ready for them to lead the school and teams in September when they go into Year 6.

Netball training will take place on a Monday 3.30 - 4.15pm and Football on a Tuesday 3.30 - 4.15pm. Please complete the forms below indicating whether your child will be attending and how they will get home following the session.

For those children attending, we will be meeting on the first day back to complete the code of conduct for school sport. Our Lady sportspeople always show respect, inclusivity and kindness.

Class Council Voice

Miss Hornby tasked each class to come up with ideas about how we could develop our outdoor space. This week, our class councilors (and a few friends), made our video for our bid.

We have watched all of the school videos today and voted for our favourite. I wonder which one will win?


  • WORLD BOOK DAY - Thursday 3rd March. This year is the 25th anniversary so what better way to celebrate than to dress up in costume. Get thinking about your favourite character or your favourite book and what costume you will wear!

  • Parents’ evenings are being planned for after half term - 25th February. Please make sure that you have signed up for the event so that we know to expect you. You can also book your online slot to meet with me to discuss your child’s progress. Please see Miss Hornby’s blog to do this.

  • You are now able to pay for the remainder of the Water Parks Residential - £300. This is available through the Parent Pay link .

  • SWIMMING - The children will be going swimming on Thursday 24th February and Thursday 3rd March. This is to complete the Water Safety element of their swimming curriculum that COVID put a stop to in Year 4. The children will need swimming costume/shorts and long sleeved top/trousers or PJS for the lessons. I will provide more information nearer the time.

Have a lovely half term together, I think we are definitely all ready for it. Take time to spend time together and to enjoy each other.

I will see you on Monday 21st February.

Mrs Gregan