"There is no footprint too small to leave an imprint on this world"

The half-term holidays are here, and they are most certainly deserved by all here in Year 2! This term we have seen so much focus and determination and so much progress has been made because of this. This final week of the half term has been no exception. In English the children have been incredibly busy writing their non-chronological reports about birds. We first completed a modelled piece of writing all about owls, before the children then completed their own research in order to write an independent report about robins. I have been blown away by the children’s writing this week. Not only have they used their bird expertise to write amazing facts, but they have also thought carefully about their spellings, punctuation and presentation.

We have continued to divide in mathematics, focusing on dividing by 2, 5 and 10. The children are now able to use either grouping or sharing to help them to solve questions and are now beginning to see the link between multiplication and division too.

Tuesday was Safer Internet Day 2022, with a focus of ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’. Our online safety friend Digi Duck had a bit of a problem. He had been playing online with his friend who really wanted to buy some gold coins and so guessed his parents’ password. This led onto a great conversation about passwords and how to keep them safe. Digi Duck also received an unkind comment from another player on the game. We spoke about how this might have made Digi Duck feel, and how although he couldn’t see who he was playing with, it was important to still treat people with kindness and respect. The children then had a go at composing their own, kinder message. These conversations will continue to be ongoing within our classroom as technology plays such a huge part in each and every one of our lives.

I am so proud of what the children have achieved so far during their time in Year 2! I hope you all have a lovely, restful holiday and that the children come back to school ready and raring for the next term ahead.

Let’s Celebrate

Sean, what an ‘Enthusiastic Bobby Bee’ you are!  You bound into school with a beaming smile on your face every day and always have a story to tell!  You have been amazing in every aspect of your learning this week and my goodness, what great non-chronological reports you have written.  Thank you also for being such a great stand in school councillor for our playground bid video; you spoke with such clarity and expression!   

Tommy – you are growing so much as a ‘Don’t Give Up Sadie Spider’ each and every day.  It is wonderful to see such belief in yourself and you will now have a go at just about anything!  You completed your non-chronological report writing with such enthusiasm and your pride when you handed in your work was a joy to witness.  Keep this up Tommy – we are all so very proud of you!


Parents’ Meetings - Please check Miss Hornby’s blog regarding information about how to book your parents’ meeting for next term. I’m looking forward to speaking with you all to discuss your child’s progress.

Please also don’t forget to fill out the form on last week’s blog if you are going to attend our open evening where you can come and enjoy looking at some of your child’s work.

World Book Day 2022 - To celebrate 25 years of World Book Day, we are asking for the children to come to school on Thursday 3rd March dressed as their favourite book character.

And finally….
By request of the student council, each class had been asked to come up with an idea for a new feature of the trim trail. Mrs Webster and Miss Hornby simply couldn’t decide on an idea, as they were all so brilliant and innovative. Therefore, each class were asked to then create their own video pitching for their idea. These were shown to each class in school and the classes then had to vote for their favourite idea …. watch this space for the winner!

Have a restful holiday.
Stay safe and God bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.