Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'He is risen. He is not there.'

What a way to end a wonderful term together! I am sure that you were all moved by the children’s depiction of the Resurrection this morning - many a tear had to be wiped from the eye. This morning is what education is all about. The children having the opportunity to think outside of the box, be creative and to express themselves. I am incredibly proud of them all. Having parents and family there to celebrate with us was the icing on the cake. It has been far too long. Thank you for sharing the assembly.

Continuing to learn

We have continued to really push ourselves to learn in the last week of this term. In addition to focusing on the Easter assembly, the children have been writing their own versions of Jesus’ journey to His cross. This piece is being written in 1st person so the children really have to focus on the emotion of the event. I can’t wait to share these with you after half term. In maths, time has given us all a bit of a headache! This is such a crucial life skill that some of the children are really struggling with. Time is a great one to learn at home. Keep asking your children what time it is, what time it will be in 20 minutes etc.

All of the children have enough revision resources for over half term for them to access. They have worked so hard and we are now onto the final push. The three weeks after half term will be focused on revision and helping the children in each of the different areas.

After Easter, the children will complete the food tech part of the art curriculum. Please click on the link below so that you can see which group your child is in and what they will need.

Leading Learners


Leading Learners 〰️

Well done to Kaya and Victor

Our leading learners of the half term (as voted by the class) are Victor and Kaya. Both children have been recognised for their determination, kindness and cooperation in class. Well done to both of you!


  • We will be back in school on Tuesday 19th April.

  • Walk for Hunger. If you have not managed to sponsor your child for the walking that we have completed, please do.

On behalf of the Year 6 team, I wish you all a restful and holy Easter. Take time to spend with each other and to enjoy the beautiful weather.

Mrs Gregan