"Peace be with you" John 20:21

Dear all,

It has been lovely for Mrs Nel and I to return to class this week. Even though we have been teaching from a far, it is not the same. We have joined Mrs Harrison and Mrs Russell and together we have covered so much learning! In RE we are exploring how many times Jesus appeared after the resurrection -so many witnesses. It was wonderful to see small drama’s unfold in the hall with the children using the words of scripture in their creative ensembles. In English we dived into explanatory text which sits beautifully alongside our science topic SPACE! We spent time reading a book that explained what we know so far about the Universe - it blew our minds!!! Then in science the children made models of the Solar System. Everyone in class knows the order of the planets (ask them how they know!). In Maths it is fractions all the way! This week- improper and mixed fractions. We have spent time making fraction models and these really help us to make vital connections between concrete and abstract concepts. In art, with Mrs Curtis, the children explored textiles - having fun deconstructing them in this first week! Mrs Harrison led the class in PE, playing high five netball and Mrs Mallinson had the whole class playing on the xylophones - it was tuneful!! We finished the week with a wonderful council during which we watched a film about Down Syndrome. This condition came up in a story I was telling the children earlier in the week so we agreed to find out more. The children listened so carefully - we then shared personal experiences of individual difference and how we are always seeking to celebrate one another, to accept others and to reach out with compassion - all the things Jesus taught us.

A wonderful first week back


This week our growth mindset certificates went to three Kuba Crabs - sooooo focused:

Well done Lorna Jane, Megan and James!


Please read Miss Hornby’s weekly blog there is important information about a virtual parents meeting this half term.

PE is Tuesday and Friday but we do work with Mr Nay on Tuesdays and Thursday too!

Homework is handed in on Thursday and this week it is all online - homework book in class.

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hestitate to contact me via the contact button the Year 5 page.

Have a lovely weekend from the Year 5 Team!