Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'True courage is in facing danger when you are afraid.' ~ The Wizard of Oz

Writing, writing and more writing has been the main focus of our week in Year 6. The children are half way through writing their six chapter story based on The Wizard of Oz. Writing a story is a consuming task, there are so many elements involved that it is important that the children have time and space to be creative. Each night, I have marked the children’s chapters ready for the next day and I have been amazed at their focus and attention to detail. Next week we will be writing the final three chapters where Dorothy meets a new character on her journey to meet the wizard.

As well as all of the writing that we have been completing, we have also found time to understand fractions and start to think about what we already know. We have revisited addition and subtraction of fractions and completed some tricky reasoning puzzles. One of my favourite tasks of the week has been the children planning a coastal holiday to lots of exotic places. The children were given client cards that told the children the type of holiday they wanted to go on. From the flights, to the hotel to the entertainment - everything had to be planned and budgeted for. They loved played travel agents, I will share their holiday designs next week.


Thank you all for taking the time to book and attend the Parents’ meetings this week. I really enjoyed being able to have a conversation with you and to share the wonderful things that your children have done this year. I will reiterate what I said, your children are shining examples of everything that our world needs. Through the past year, they have demonstrated on a daily basis, their ability to adapt, problem-solve, be determined and so many other qualities. I have absolutely no doubt that they will fly when they head off to their new schools next September.

Some of you asked when you would receive information from St Bedes about starting in September. I think that you should receive an email in the next two weeks with a link. This will take you to Firefly where everything that you need to know will be kept.

Leading Learners.

This week has been about writing. I have chosen two children who have not only strived to meet their targets, but they have understood themselves better as learners too.

Well done to Hannah & Jakub who have all continued to challenge themselves and to set themselves exceptional standards with their work.

Upcoming Dates and Information

  • Homework is due in on a Tuesday.

  • PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that the children have their full PE kit.

  • Wednesday 19th May - Play auditions for the children. They will be given time with the script that week to prepare their scene and audition.

  • May half term - lines to be learnt ready to start rehearsing the play.

  • Monday 7th - Friday 11th June - YEAR 6 ADVENTURE WEEK! The deadline for this payment has passed, please can any outstanding payments be paid. If anybody would prefer to pay in installments, please contact the office and Mrs Hodges will help you.

Enjoy your weekend.

God bless

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster