This week....

Box monster came to nursery this week and scared our socks off! Instead of playing ‘What time is it Mr. Wolf?’ and ‘Trollie, Trollie can we cross your river?’ we changed the name of the games to Box Monster, Box Monster can we cross your river?’ and ‘What time is it Mr. Box Monster?’ We had such good fun!

We also had a special deliver of a dragon. It came complete with instructions on how to care for it, what it ate and if it was friendly or not! We hoped it didn’t breath fire and eat children and nursery ladies! The children decorated the box it arrived in to make sure he had a cosy bed to sleep in.

Have you noticed how good the children are becoming with their mastery of number. We are all very impressed. This week Clare played lots of tricky problem solving number games to try and catch the children out….but she couldn’t. We will have to challenge them even more!

The children have been practicing writing numbers. They were inspired after watching an episode of Numberblocks which explained how to write the numbers using simple rhymes. Click here to watch and have a go!

On Wednesday it was so sunny in the garden that we decided to have a building day. We got out the large bricks, small bricks and the waffle bricks. Everyone worked so very hard. We even found the game ‘Jenga’ to build and play, we were fantastic at choosing the correct brick to take out so that the tower wouldn’t collapse. Although it was fun to shout ‘Jenga’ when it fell down!

We have no news to report with regards to our butterflies yet. We have learnt a new word this week...metamorphosis. Click here to find out what it means.

However, we have been looking all over the garden for insects and mini beasts. We have found woodlice, moths, spiders earwigs and slugs. This is clearly going to have to be explored further after the half term break. Watch this space!

As you already know we are never still at nursery. We see every second as an opportunity to learn, explore, discover more about EVERYTHING! Here is collection of learning which is ongoing, has been triggered by the children’s curiosities and fascinations. As you can see we are all interested in different things so life at nursery is diverse and very exciting!

Finally, I would like to finish this weeks blog by sharing some joyous news with you all. Our lovely Sarah has had her baby! I’m sure you will join us in sending Sarah and Liam huge congratulations as they welcome Baby Jude. Everyone here are soooo excited and hope to meet him very soon. Both Sarah and baby are doing well.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday.

The Nursery Team