Please make sure that all homework is completed by next Thursday. Many thanks.
Read at home every day. Make sure that you quiz when you have completed a book.
(Parents: Don’t forget you can check on your child’s progress on Accelerated Reader - this will let you know which books they have read and quizzed on and also their progress towards their reading target.)
TT Rockstars - please keep practising your tables facts. How fast can you get at these?
IXL—the units of measurement units S1 - S8
Play the Mostly Postie games using the link below:
Can you do some measuring of length, volume and mass? Draw some lines and then measure how long they are using cm and mm. Measure how much water in a jug. Weigh different objects on a weighing scale. Make sure that you read the scales carefully. Don’t forget to use the correct units of measure.
Spellings—children have been given a spelling sheet to practise. Please make sure that these sheets are completed using the look, say, cover, write, check method.