Remember what we did in class? Now watch the video below and then complete the Purple Mash science task set.
Reading - have some good chunks of reading time this weekend to progress further towards your reading target.
Spellings. Please practise your spellings below on Purple Mash Paint program set:
White group (words with s sound spelt sc)
scientist, descent, ascent, fascinate, crescent, discipline, scent, scissors, scenery, scent
Green group (root words end in y)
early earlier tried cried trying crying hurried tidied worried happier
3. Purple Mash 2type spellings task set - Practise your typing and your spelling at the same time! Make sure you are using the right fingers. These are not the spellings above - but are KS2 spellings you need to know.
IXL M6 and M7 and also TTrockstars practise