Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 5th May

Spelling 5th May Abstract Noun.PNG

Spelling - abstract nouns

Learn these words throughout the week ready for your quiz and dictation next Tuesday.

IXL - This week we have been working on angles and measuring angles. Can you complete the following strand?

Y.8 - Find a missing angle - vertical angles and supplementary angles.

J.12 - Fractions of a number. This is revision ready to start fractions next week.

Geography - Lytham St Annes

This week we have looked at the coastline of the UK and specific coastal resorts. Now, let us focus on Lytham St Annes.

Lytham St Annes.jpg

Find your ‘To Do’ on Purple Mash and your task is to create a leaflet about this coastal location. Think about PERSUASIVE LANGUAGE to entice visitors.

To include:

  • Physical geography

  • Location in the UK

  • Human geography

  • Tourist attractions

  • Fascinating facts

  • Amenities.

I have set the leaflet out for you. You can alter this to make your own piece of work but I am expected to see all boxes filled with information. BE CREATIVE!