Art News, Week Four
After a wonderful three day weekend we have had a shorter four day week, but somehow we still managed to fit in a full weeks work. The children love a challenge and always rise to any given.
This week in Art…
Year one started their Printmaking topic and used a cork, card a sponge to create a repeated pattern using the primary colours, this was super fun and exciting to see the patterns appear.
Year two gathered different leaves from the school ground ready for some leaf printing in their Printmaking topic. Using the primary colours we painted the leaves and printed the amazing vein structures onto our paper. We were so proud of our efforts and all had a favourite leaf.
Year three missed Art this week as it was a bank holiday but I will make up for it next week when we will do our entries for the Royal Mail postage stamp competition.
Year four started the collagraph printing blocks by creating their own block, ready for printing with next week.
Year five started learning cross stitch in their Textiles topic, our main skills this session was to thread a needle, tie a knot and do a simple running stitch. Everyone managed these and some went onto learning a diagonal stitch and a cross stitch. We will continue this next week.
Year six took on the challenge of analytical drawing, this is in preparation for creating a printing press next week.
In the Home Gallery I have a young man in year four who is surely going to be an author when older as he regularly brings in little books he has written and illustrated for me to see. Do go to the Home Gallery to see all the proud faces of our artists at home. If you would like to share your interests and creative skills with us all, send your photos to me at and I will add you to the gallery.
Have a wonderful weekend, hopefully we should see some sun.
Stay safe
God bless
Mrs Curtis