Year 5 home learning to be handed in on Thursday 7th July

We are nearly there! It has been hot in school, made all the hotter with the effort and focus of all the children in Year 5! Here is the home learning for this week!

I have only set Reading, Maths and RE this week. I want the whole class to make reading their absolute focus! How many books can we finish and how many targets can we reach???


We are only two weeks away from the holidays - and we need to make that final push towards our reading targets. One of the children was telling me about the books they had lined up for the summer - nothing gives a teacher more joy to know that a child will be visiting all the places and people in those books!


We have spent a lot of time on our fractions. But I we have made sure our understanding is deep and secure. I am so proud of everyone! This week many children completed the unit S 16 but there was a group working with me that didn’t get to complete - please complete this first.

As we move to master those decimal fraction next can you complete S7 and T9 in preparation! Thank you!


Firstly, please complete the 2do in Purple Mash all about Buddhist Worship - you have to watch the video and then complete the postcard.

Secondly - prayer flags. This is a lovely Buddhist tradition. If you open the 2do “Prayer flag” you will be able to watch a little film. You can complete the task but even better you could make a prayer flag and bring it to class. We will hang them outside the classroom so that the prayers are continually being said as they blow in the wind.

Have fun!