Final tasks before we move onto Year 6!!!

Well - we have made it to our final week of learning in Year 5. We have managed to stay together and keep all our learning going!!! Well done. Thank you for all the work you have done at home. Sustaining the learning beyond the classroom has so many benefits!

I have a couple of jobs for the children to do:

Learning our Shakespeare lines:

Please find attached the lines the children have been learning as part of our study of Mid-Summer Nights Dream! We have been recreating the forest scenes in the school garden! Please learn the lines you have learnt so that your ready to perform again next week! The script is attached but the children have their own copy too with lines highlighted in their bag.

Maths (not IXL will be down on Saturday for maintenance)

We have romped through our decimals work this week- working with our new teacher Mrs Gregan! Please convert fractions and decimals fractions on V9 and V10.

Thank you all your support and hard work is always appreciated!