Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 29th September 2021


In Year 6, we have to learn all of the spelling patterns taught in KS2. Each week I will set you some spellings based on our work in class. Learn them for homework ready for a quiz next Tuesday. This week’s spellings continue to look at suffixes.

beginning, admittance, stoppable, permitting, preferred,

regrettable, wettest, forgotten, referring, forbiden


This week we have been looking at metric measures, linking with decimals. For homework, I would like you to cook or bake using metric measures at home.

Send me a photo of whatever you make! Discuss the metric measures with your parents at home.


We have been discussing retrieval in class and how we have to draw on prior knowledge. Can you complete the To Do that I have set you on Purple Mash? What can you remember about volcanoes? Think detailed and gather as much information as you can.


Over the next few weeks, you will be completing your own South America project at home. You will then be using the information that you have found to create your own interactive book. Please complete this piece of homework in your HOMEWORK BOOK.

This week is about your country’s food, culture and sports

Can you create an information page in your homework book about these?

Do they have a specific food that they eat? A specific sport that they play? A specific dance?