Year 3 01.10.21 "It is not about how much you do, but how much love you put in to what you do that counts" Mother Teresa

Yet another great week in Year 3 has come to an end! The children have been working very hard to listen and be good role models this week. That means they have now got TEN class hug, which means at some point they will be awarded there 5 minutes extra play- amazing job Year 3, let’s keep up the hard work! I can’t believe we have now been back to school for 4 weeks - time really does fly when you’re having fun. The children are working so hard and have settled in to life in the juniors much better than I could have ever expected.

Year 3 Learning this week …

In English, we started the week off being evidence detectives! We have looked at points in our fable and searched very hard to find evidence and quotes to back up these points. The children were fabulous at finding these, maybe when you are reading at home you can try it. We followed the structure… I can say that ….. because in the text it says …. They will blow you away with their detective work! We are continuing to practise our fable, we were not quite ready for the filming this week, so maybe with a little more practice we will show you it next week. However, in French this week, the children have been practicing their French conversations and introductions, I think you will agree, after watching the video below, they are doing a fantastic job!

The focal point in Maths continues to be place value, grappling with large numbers and playing with them to concrete our knowledge of each digits worth. On a Thursday and Friday we have also continued our learning about angles, in particular learning about right angles. There has been a real buzz around the class as we used our ‘Chompers’ to find right angles.

We In History we have enjoyed looking at the cave paintings of the stone age people, and are now looking at how farming took off during this period. We had a class of improving Lizzie ladybirds during our Computing this week. As a whole, we have found coding a challenge but this week it became so clear to see just how much the children have learnt and understood. Everybody completed the task of making a character move and change direction, along with a further challenge of creating their own questionnaire. Well done Year 3, your perseverance has really paid off!

Let’s Celebrate!

An enthusiastic Bobby bee Liam: What a wonderful growth mindset you have Liam! You are always ready to learn and grow your brain, and are already achieving great things this year because of your ‘can do’ approach to learning. Whenever you make a mistake, you learn from it and share these moments so comfortably.. spurring yourself and others on to reach your goals. You also have the most wonderful humour that is loved by your friends and teachers and helps to make the classroom a positive and happy place to learn.

A cooperative Roger robin Isaac: You should feel so incredibly proud of yourself and your wonderful start in Year 3. Each week you have been such a wonderful learning partner, showing such care and support towards your partner and their learning. Keep up the great work Isaac your concentration and enthusiasm for learning is just wonderful!


  • A kind reminder that homework does need to be completed for Thursday please.

  • Can children also please refrain from bringing unnecessary items in to school. We are still being cautious and taking necessary precautions in class, and there seems to be a few large keyrings, pop-its etc coming in which causes some distractions in our cloakroom at times. Many thanks.

  • Don’t forget to book your parents day appointment, you will find the link on Miss Hornby’s newsletter.

  • PE- Every Thursday we have indoor PE. For safety reasons the children must be barefoot. If your child has a verruca they must wear a non-slip latex verruca sock or a trampoline sock, along with sending either Mrs Harrison or myself to let us know. Thank you!