This week....

A lovely sunny start to the week, but by Thursday there has been a definite Autumnal chill in the air. The leaves are changing colour and beginning to fall from the all the trees in the nursery garden, a bit faster than we can sweep them up some days!

The conkers have also started to fall from our Horse Chestnut tree, the children were very excited about opening each one to reveal the conker inside, some were big, some were small and one or two were really tiny! We have collected them in a large bowl so that we are able to count them and order them according to size.

If you are going for a walk this weekend why not take this leaf spotting checklist with you. Click on the button below.

Our Fabulous Friends display is completed. I am sure you will agree that everyone has worked very hard!


This term we are celebrating creation. Thanking God for our beautiful planet Earth, which God made as a home for everyone.
This week we have been thanking God for the gift of air. Together we have been taking deep breathes, feeling the air as it tickles our noses. We then thanked God for this wonderful gift.
 You may want to breathe in our lovely clean air with your child and thank God together.

Clare’s blog

This week we have been so very busy.

We decorated our key person books and made it very colourful. We are now excited to fill it full of our learning. We have continued to look deeply at number one, so that we can really understand its value, the children collected one toy and then they took one photo of it all by themselves
We have been rolling balls, balancing, even making a bridge. We enjoyed dressing up as doctors and have also been reading lots of books, your children really love stories!


Hannah’s blog

The children have been busy growing their friendships this week and playing beautifully with one another. A lovely sunny week (in the main) has meant we have had the perfect backdrop for challenging our bodies with lots of climbing and balancing on our obstacle courses. The children have set up the equipment themselves and love the satisfaction of getting from one end of the nursery garden to another! I have enjoyed our story times and the songs we have sang together this week, we really are growing our listening and joining in skills! Lots of super recognition with our friend ‘Number 1’ and many of us have had a look at the sound ‘m’ – have a look at the sound mat that has been sent home … can you remember what the sound looked like?

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


Colette’s blog

Sadly, Colette has not been at nursery this week. I know you have missed her as much as we have but don’t worry she will be back on Monday.

The children in Colette’s group have been working closely with the rest of the nursery team. Rest assured they have been loved, cared for and have continued on their individual learning journey, as you can see in the photos.

Lastly, it remains for say, have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday for another busy week.
