"For every dark night, there is a brighter day." Anon

Year 5 have worked incredibly hard this week! Before Tuesday dinnertime we had all written an extended piece of writing explaining why the Earth experiences day and night and the seasons! I have marked them and I am simply delighted! It is clear that the class understand how the motion of the our planet (revolving and rotating) affects the Earth - giving us time, day/night and the seasons.

On Thursday we moved away from factual writing and started our exploration of Science Fiction. There was much excitement as we shared all the films and books which fall under this genre! In maths we have moved onto multiples and factors and soon we’ll know our prime and squared numbers too. Mrs Nel took over on Wednesday as I trained with the Royal Shakespeare company (Much A Do About Nothing - news will follow soon about the interschool RSC festival). She had a lovely day teaching coding while Mrs Curtis taught art and then later she delivered science and the phases of the moon (see homework). I was very impressed when I returned as children shared their new learning.

Friday was a lovely day. In HRSE we reflected on our “Self Talk” that little voice in our heads. Members of the class shared their advice on how to manage those negative thoughts turning them positive. In RE we explored the “The Beatitudes” - what a lovely lesson. Together, we wrote a modern version - a guide on how to be an active disciple of Jesus.

Time to Celebrate:

This week our Grow Your Brain Certificates went to: Isabella and Grace!

Our Compassionate Certificates went to : Julia, Lena, Holly, Evie and Jessica

Well done!!