‘The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.’ Albert Einstein

This week we continued our ‘Around the world in 34 days’ trip and travelled to Canada. We have been gathering facts about Canada by watching videos and reading books. There are a lot of interesting animals in Canada, we decided to go on a moose hunt and find out more! We even changed a familiar story to help remember the different landscapes of the country along the way. Together we watched snippets of the moose fact video below, our favourite part was watching the moose coming out of the water (16mins 14secs) we watched it over and over!

In Read Write Inc this week we have learnt two new sounds ‘ay’ and ‘ee’. We have started working in smaller groups during RWI to focus our learning even more the children have loved reading new books and playing different phonics games. It’s been lovely to hear blending and segmenting all around the classroom this week!

Let’s Celebrate

Luca is a Concentrating Cooper Crab and Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For making brilliant choices and using your listening ears all week. Your enthusiasm for Read Write Inc and reading has blown us away. You have tried hard to grow your brain this week. Well done Luca!

Jacob is a Concentrating Cooper Crab - For improving your concentration each day in your Read Write Inc group. You remembered to use your ‘Fred Fingers’ to help you write each word in the sentence. Well done Jacob!

Have a great weekend,

The Reception Team