Year 3 Home Learning 14.1.22


Our spelling strategy this week is to use S.U.S:

Study the word.

Underling the difficult part.

Say the word carefully focusing on each syllable.

Our spelling this week are based around adding -ation to the end of a word. Remember the rule that if the verb ends in ‘e’ we must drop the ‘e’ before adding ‘ation’.

  1. limit - limitation

  2. sense - sensation

  3. adore - adoration

  4. prepare - preparation

  5. admire - admiration

  6. explore - exploration

  7. inform - information

  8. observe - observation

Ongoing Maths:

Please continue with the IXL strands: E1- E8 under addition one digit

During our Maths lessons it is clear that some children need extra work and practice with their number bonds to 10. Children should see that the pairs of numbers make 10 instantly and need consistent practice at this. Please could you practice these at home and can be done any time said out loud, maybe quick fire as you are travelling to and from school, while you are brushing your teeth, anywhere! There is also this great website which some children will be practicing on in the mornings- they even do an app for this game for tablets and phones:

Follow the link below, click on ‘number bonds’ and then ‘make 10’. children should be encouraged to stay on this game and try and beat their score against the clock every time.


During PE we have started our striking and fielding unit of work. We started our first lesson this week, focusing on the underarm throw. We need more practice to make sure that we are passing the ball effectively and accurately in to the persons hands. Please get outside (where the weather allows) and get throwing different size balls underarm, furthering the distance of these passes as they get more confident.

There is also many different games you can play to develop accuracy , control and power when throwing this way, why not try them:

  • Throwing balls in to different size containers

  • Throwing the ball against a target on the wall

  • put a ball on top of a bucket and try to knock it off with a smaller ball

  • rolled up socks are good to use if the weather is bad, throwing them in to different sized containers.

Have fun with it, make it in to a competition!

We need to remember the following points when throwing underarm:

  • stand in the direction of the throw

  • one foot in front of the other

  • bring arm straight back

  • swing arm forward and release the ball

  • fingers point at the target