"We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?" - The Eleventh Doctor, Season Five, Episode 13.

Full on week this week! We started with “close reading”. This is when we read a text like detectives and find evidence for what we know. We have to be very careful not to make assumptions about characters in stories we have to let the text reveal them to us. The children have dived into a Non-Chronological report - “The Solar System” . I’ve been delighted to see their understanding of how to use their research. This writing is independent and will allow me to see how the children are applying their writing skills (we need to complete this next week). Alongside this work we have explored sci- novels - reading the opening of some for close reading and inspiration. In computing the children worked hard typing up their last piece of writing “How the Earth Experiences Day and Night”

Maths has dominated the week, as it usually does! I’m confident that most of the class have a very good understanding of factors, multiples and now square numbers. We have continually related the work to our table facts (both x and /) and we recognise that mastering these is essential. We have been creative in both art and music. Don’t forget to pop into the Art Gallery to see our work inspired by Matisse and Derian click the link here: https://www.ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk/year-5-art

PE involved tackling and shooting in hockey and in swimming a majority of us completed our 25m assessment (swimming with strength using a developed technique) - well done everyone. Finally, in RE we investigated the lives of St. Damien and St. Josephine and how they embraced the beatitudes during their time here- creating the Kingdom of God.

Council was very productive on Thursday - the whole class joined in - issues and concerns are share and kindnesses always celebrated. We have also collated plans for developing the school grounds which Abi and Christian will take to full council next week.


This week our certificates went to: Kiefer, Jayden and Saul - you worked hard for these well done keep reflecting on what makes a great learner and friend.


The girls in class each received a letter today - please find it in their bag. All the details are on the letter and I have attached a copy here too. As the children grow up and their bodies change we deliver lessons linked to HRSE so these aspects of our lives can be explored in a safe and open environment.

Early nights - we have had some stressful moments this week and children have shared the fact that they are tired. Being well rested is essential for meaningful learning that sticks.

Swimming this Thursday - our final swimming lesson before our final two sessions on “Survival Skills”

Thank you for your continued support it is very much appreciated!

The whole Year 5 team