We have reached the halfway point of Year 4 and we can honestly say what a joy it is to see the children making such progress and being so interested to learn. Despite their tiredness this week, they have shown what they have learned so well and faced every challenge with a determination which is admirable.
This half term has been all about Jesus as a Teacher. We learned this week about the Parable of the Sower and how Jesus is teaching us about being responsive to the Word of God. We talked about how difficult it is to follow God’s message sometimes, especially when the worries and trials of life can divert us. The children in Year 4 however, often notice the good in each other and ask me to award children points to each other!
Class council
Each class has been tasked with suggesting an item of playground equipment for our outside area. All children today have been voting for their winning class. Here is Year 4’s pitch:
This week in English, we have written a story - a bit each day, focusing on all our skills we have learned so far in writing. These were very entertaining and children strived to make them so - choosing similes carefully and choosing vocabulary to impact on the reader.
In maths, we have continued our Perimeter work and we have been solving lots of problems to apply this. After half term our focus will be on Multiplication and Division.
Tuesday was Online Safety Day. Our focus this time was on SPAM email and we learned about phishing, viruses and identity theft. Children today face such a challenging online world. We are in constant discussion together about how to keep safe. We talked about clicking on attachments and opening email when you do not know who it is from. Children took part in a SPAM email simulation - it was interesting to see if they would reply or report it to teacher! We discussed what the aim of SPAM emails, mAlware and Computer viruses can be and how to keep as safe as possible. The number one rule is ‘Tell a Grown up!”
We have also continued our learning about Volcanoes this week with children completing an explanation text about the process of eruption. We have also looked at our planet’s structure and how this impacts on volcanoes and earthquakes. We made our earth out of different layers and then ATE it!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, our certificate winners are as follows:
A Lizzie Ladybird certificate goes to Charlie for listening to and acting upon every bit of advice give. You always strive to meet the learning objectives of a lesson Charlie and you want to know how you can improve. You are also so kind to others.
A Sadie Spider certificate goes to Rosa for being so perseverant and wanting to do well. Despite having a lot of after school commitments this week, you have absolutely gone for it with your learning and always ask for advice. You are such a hard worker.
Music stars this week were Ruby-Lilly and Daisy.
Swimming stars were Betsy, Owen, Georgia, Iris
Also from Thursday 10th March, we will be going swimming twice a week. This will be the same time on a Thursday morning - 8.30am. Then sessions will end at Easter.
WORLD BOOK DAY: World book day is on Thursday 3rd March and we will be celebrating its 25th anniversary! For this day, we would like to invite the children to dress up as their favourite book characters!
PARENT APPOINTMENTS - These are now live! Please sign up for an online meeting with me to discuss your child’s progress and targets.
Have a restful half term,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.