This week....

This week we have continued to be like Curious Clara. We found out that sometimes our magnets clicked together and then at other times they pushed away from each other. Mmmmm curious!

We discovered that a every magnet has both a north and a south pole. When you place the north pole of one magnet near the south pole of another magnet, they are attracted to one another. When you place like poles of two magnets near each other (north to north or south to south), they will repel each other. We have learnt learnt two new words. Click here to watch Maddie tell us about magnets.

We have also been talking about recycling, which materials can be used again and which bin to put them in. Click here to to go on a recycling hunt at home with Maddie and Buster. The children have even been upcycling, also known as creative reuse. They have transformed boxes, and unwanted bits and bobs into new objects with artistic value. I suspect you have received some items at home this week

Click here to listen to a story about a little girl and her dog who set out to make ‘The Most Magnificent Thing’. But after much hard work, the end result is not what the girl had in mind. Frustrated, she quits. Her dog suggests a long walk, and as they walk, it slowly becomes clear what the girl needs to do to succeed.


This week we have reflected on all the things we have thanked God for this half term: for making us all special and unique with individual talents; we have thanked Him for our bodies, our ability to run, hop, skip, swim and play football. But, we also recognise that we must look after our bodies by making healthy choices.

We have started to learn a new song to sign this week. It’s rather tricky but we are getting there. Click here to listen.

Key Person blog

What a lovely week it has been at nursery! We started the week by learning how to care for our planet Earth, to keep it clean and green. We were all Kiki Chameleons being creative when using recycled materials to build junk models! After listening to the story ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ we talked about how upsetting it is to hear that a discarded plastic bag could end up in the ocean and be a danger to animals. The children were brilliant at suggesting ways to not litter...can they remember any of their ideas? Tee and Mo have a great song about how we can help , (even as little people), to look after our wonderful world. Click here to listen. Or try their game here.

Keeping with the reuse and recycle theme...we made a super rubbish lorry outside! This then led to the making of a chalked road and roundabout, along with road signs and traffic lights! This has been great fun!

We also had challenges this week to make number lines with the pebbles. What number came next? What number is missing from the line? Hmm, we had to think and work out the problem, concentrating like Cooper Crab! Another challenge was to fit lots of stacking boxes back inside one big box. This was really tricky and got us all using our brains.

Not only have our brains been busy this week, so have our bodies! Our fundamental movement skills are developing really, really well and we are showing great resilience. You can tell we have been practising a lot because we are getting better and better. Maybe you could ask the children to show you their hopping or throwing skills?

Have a lovely half term!

Michelle, Colette, Frances, Justine


One of our maths activities this week has been to count the beats on a drum. Jacqui from the kitchen has saved lots of big tins for us to use as drums…thanks Jacqui.

Click here to play a similar game at home.

We have made an ‘how do you feel today’ corner, with help from The Colour Monster’. We have filled jars full of the colours that represent our emotions. We left one jar empty so that we can put coloured poms poms in to show our feelings in colour. If you have forgotten the story click here to listen.

If we need a quiet moment we have erected a quiet tent with the softest rug and cushions, perfect for reflection.

Click here for Moody Monsters game.

It has been such a busy, fun and exciting half term and the children have learnt so much, but, they are all tired. Try and have a good rest next week (if that’s possible) because when we return we have one last week to recap learning about Space and then the children have asked to explore the world of mythical creatures; fairies, dragons. boggarts, and much much more!!! We can’t wait!!!

Please take care during the holidays and make some lovely family memories, that will last forever. We will see everyone bright eyed and bushy tailed on the 21st February.
