Year 3 11.2.22 'Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it and get a new one every six months'

We can’t believe that we have reached the end of the first Spring term, these last few weeks seem to have flown by! How time flies when you’re having fun and of course learning as deeply as Year 3 are. On Tuesday We kicked off our Online-Safety learning. This is such a crucial part of the curriculum as the children are becoming more computer literate and are using online platforms more and more, it is so important that we explore the positives and sometimes negatives of this usage, as well as given them the tools to explore these in a safe way. This week (as you may have guessed from the title), we have been discussing the need for passwords, why we have them and what we can do to protect ourselves. They have also been introduced to blogging, looking at how written responses can often be misunderstood and then we created our own rules when communicating online: making sure she are always kind, respectful and appropriate, always making sure we are clear in what we write. We even created our own class blog, where we shared our thoughts of how we use the internet and how we should behave online. This blog remains open on purple mash, but the comments have to be approved by the teacher. For their homework, we have asked them to add more of their thoughts to this blog. This would be a great opportunity to share and discuss this area further as their parents, making sure they fully understand the need for appropriate behaviour online.

Year 3 Learning this week …

In English this week we have been continuing with our new unit of ‘The Green Children’, we have been looking at story openings of many books and using our inference skills to match with the pictures. We have also explored some new vocabulary that will be find in the text we are reading after half term, we have had lots of fun finding synonyms, clapping the syllables and making up actions for our verbs.

In Maths have approached another new strategy that we can apply when subtracting numbers. The children have worked extremely hard to master these, they have required us to be real Sadie Spiders and Isabella Insects!

Let’s Celebrate!

A suggestion had been made in one of our class council meetings that the children are able to chose the certificates at the end of each half term, and so we have done just that! We thought carefully about what qualities we look out for when awarding a certificate and then the children kept this in mind when making their decisions.

It was heart warming reading their suggestions and why they had chosen that particular child.

We have counted up the votes and our two certificates this week go to:

ELSIE for being. “A kind learning partner,” “For concentrating carefully during every lesson” and “for believing in herself and going for her targets.”

FAYE for being… “always being kind and focused” and “because you are just so kind and you are always focused. You put your hand up every time.”


  • Upon reflection and much discussion, as a community, we have decided that Holy Communion will now take place in Year 4 not Year 3. This has happened the last two years and we feel the children at this age are much more ready and have a much deeper understanding of this spiritual journey and commitment to their faith.

  • Don’t forget to book on to our open afternoon on Wednesday 16th March to look at your child’s learning. You book this through the form found on the last week’s blog on the discovery page.

  • World book day is on Thursday 3rd March and we will be celebrating its 25th anniversary! For this day, we would like to invite the children to dress up as their favourite book characters!

  • Parents meetings will be available to book via the newsletter on the discovery page. These meetings will be held on Wednesday 9th March and Wednesday 23rd March from 2:30pm - 5:30pm.

And finally…

This week each class has been set a task to think of something we would love to see in our outside playground. We have then created a video and each class has voted for their favourite idea. We cannot wait to see which idea has been chosen - we would love them all! Here is our video, led by our two class councilors Liam and Ella.