‘With God all things are possible.’ -Matthew 19:26

Another half term done, it’s hard to believe how quickly we are zooming through the year. It’s been such a successful half term in so many ways and we are really proud of all the children, being a part of their learning journey so far has been very special indeed.

Tuesday marked Safer Internet Day, together we read the story ‘Digiduck and the Magic Castle’. It was really interesting to hear about all the games the class enjoy playing at home. We had a discussion about what to do if there’s a problem and something pops up on our game and we don’t know what to do. Digiduck listened to his friend even though he knew it probably wasn’t the best idea! We each drew a picture of a trusted adult who could help us if we had a problem or felt uncomfortable in anyway. We then created our own avatar for the game, username and password and talked about the importance of keeping our personal information to ourselves.

In Read Write Inc this week we have learnt one new sound ‘air - that’s not fair’ and recapped all the Set 2 sounds we have learnt so far. All flashcards have been updated and an extra book sent home for half term.

We have continued to explore our ‘Getting to know Jesus’ topic in RE. We heard the story of the ‘Healing of the man at the pool’. We enjoyed role playing and sequencing the story. In the workshop we made get well soon cards for the man and created our own hospital to take care of our teddies. Miss Lavelle told us all about her pilgrimages to Lourdes, a very special where many miracles have happened.

Let’s Celebrate

Scarlet is a Co-operative Roger Robin - For always showing care towards others and celebrating their successes. Your big smile and positive attitude always starts our day off so brilliantly. Well done Scarlet!

Halle is a Brave Tommy Turtle - For showing confidence to talk to adults and share you ideas on the carpet. We are so impressed you are trying to have a go, without worrying about making a mistake! Well done Halle!