"Let there be love in the worlds and let it begin with me"

Below are pictures of us on the beach today! I hope you have the opportunity to visit this holiday to see our handy work. Thank you children for listening and working together with the St. Annes community.


Dear Parents, I’m sure the children have already told you that we have started exploring the play “Much Ado About Nothing”. As you may already be aware we are a “Royal Shakespeare Company Associate school” and as such we work with the company and the Grand Theatre Blackpool studying Shakespeare’s plays. Every two years we take part in the school festival. We did so just before the pandemic. We are very excited to be joining other school (distanced at present) to put on the play Much a Do About Nothing - this coming March. I have listed below important dates for you to pop onto your calendar and most importantly the link to the box office at the Grand so you, family and friends can come and watch.

Monday 21st February RSC director will visit us at school to support us with our work. We have scene 1-3 and will be opening the play.

Monday 14th March - we will be travelling to the theatre via coach for our technical rehearsal with the staff at the Grand 9:05 to 10:05 (we may come to school a little earlier that day- I’ll let you know)

Tuesday 15th March we will be at the Theatre in the Monday for a full rehearsal with the other school. At 1:00pm we will be performing the play to an audience. School will provide transport back so children can come home for tea and rest. The children then have to return to Blackpool for 5:30pm for a second performance at 6:00pm. The show will finish at approx 7:00- 7:15ish all children will need picking up after the show from outside the theatre.

We wil be asking for a contribution to the coach fare and I’ll let you know this and link it to parent pay as soon as I know

The children will be performing in black - black leggins and t-shirts and most importantly black shoes and black socks. Some colours are used to indicate characters - I will organise this.

Tickets for he two performance can be purchased from The Grand theatre - here is a link

I have to say that the lessons have been BRILLIANT and the whole class very enthusiastic!!! Tgis is a wonderful opportunity for this Year 5 class

One more important message please read Miss Hornby’s letter for details of Parents Meetings that are coming up too and the Friday afternoon when you are invited into school to see your child’s books (Friday 4th March)

School Sport

One of my biggest disappointments that has occurred due to the pandemic is that inter-school sport had to be paused for a little while. Although physical development and sport has continued to thrive within school, we have always enjoyed competing against others. Representing the school is a special moment for all pupils.

After half term, we will be resuming netball and football training for Year 5 and 6 pupils - hurray! We are excited to be able to build up to our first inter-school tournament for Year 6 pupils at the end of March. Year 5 children are able to train alongside Year 6 as training partners ready for them to lead the school and teams in September when they go into Year 6.

Netball training will take place on a Monday 3.30 - 4.15pm and Football on a Tuesday 3.30 - 4.15pm. Please complete the forms below indicating whether your child will be attending and how they will get home following the session.

For those children attending, we will be meeting on the first day back to complete the code of conduct for school sport. Our Lady sportspeople always show respect, inclusivity and kindness.

Please fill out this form


The wonderfully creative Jessica and the enthusiastic and focused -Asher!

Our Compassionate certificate went to Kai (well earned)

To day at the Beach


Miss Hornby has asked all class councils to discuss improvements to the outdoor environment. Year 5 were inspired by nature and caring for our world. Below is a short film of our bid - the other class have watched and everyone voted today- FINGERS CROSSED.

Dear parents and children have a wonderful half term holiday - please rest.

Homework as you can see is READING - TT ROCKSTARS (5 minutes each day) and learning your lines -

Beatrice for the girls

Benedick for the boys