Year 3 Home learning to be handed in on Thursday 3rd November


TT Rockstars

Please spend some time each day during half term on TT Rockstar’s. Make sure you spend time particularly focusing on the 5 and 10 timetables. You should be able to speedily recall these number facts.

Five finger breathing

This week we have been looking at finding ways of self regulating ourselves and have used this strategy to bring us back to a calmer place. Each child has created their own poster to remind them of how to practice this way of calming themselves. I would like them to find a place to display their poster at home. We will review how we have found using this coping strategy when we return from the half term.

Online safety - optional

On Tuesday we had Online safety day. We would like to see how much you can remember by creating your own online safety poster. This is something you could discuss as a family and maybe create a couple of online safety rules at home. There is a 2do set on Purple Mash for you to complete this.