Year 3 Weekly Blog 20.10.22 - "Autumn is the season that teaches us that change can be beautiful."

And so we have reached the end of our first half term. To say the time has flown by is a slight understatement! We started our week with a visit to church to celebrate the Harvest festival and what a lovely start to the week this was. Thank you again for your generosity, collecting tins which will already be on their way to help those who need it! It was just wonderful to hear our children celebrating mass, joining in responses and singing away to the hymn “Freely, Freely…” our final hymn during the mass.

Following this we through ourselves back into rehearsing for our assembly. The children were very excited to share their assembly with you all and, although the nerves were there at the beginning, the feeling afterward they had performed was of great elation. I always find watching the children help and support one another during their performances so heart warming and find myself holding back the tears. We were so proud of each and every one of them!

The children have also had their creative hats on, setting to work on writing their own fables. Seeing our children enthusiastically get their ideas down on paper was wonderful and hearing them proudly sharing with each other their opening sentences led me to do a happy dance… what is a teacher to do when she hears such great vocabulary?!

Let’s celebrate

Louis for being a Concentrating Cooper crab: Louis you have shown such focus this week! We were so proud of you and how you learnt your assembly part, becoming so confident in delivering your lines and helping others too! You have also shown this same focus within our lessons and have completed a wonderful piece of writing. Keep it up Louis, we are SO impressed!

Toby for also being a Concentrating Cooper crab: Toby you always show great interest and determination when learning something new. You focus carefully during our class discussions and always show great enthusiasm when faced with a challenge. You look carefully to solve problems and it is always such a special moment when we see the happiness spread across your face once you have solved a problem. Well done Toby!


  • After school club for Year 3 commence on the first Tuesday back (1st November) and will be from 3:30 until 4:15. Please find the list below to see for the children who have signed up.

  • Mass: On Tuesday 1st November we will be heading to church to celebrate All Souls day.


A big thank you for taking the time to discuss your child’s first half term in year 3 and how we can work together to best support them going forward. We really appreciate you taking the time out of your day for these discussions and it was, as always, a pleasure to get to chat with you all!

We hope you all have a very well deserved half term and we very much look forward to seeing the children on Monday 31st October as we begin the second half to our Autumn term together.

God bless,

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter.