This week we have focused on the word ‘eternal’ in our Liturgies. We listened to the gospel of the week and heard James and John requesting to sit next to Jesus in glory. But Jesus reminds them, that anyone who wants eternal life and to rise in Glory, must be a servant; a slave to all. We discussed how we are reminded that Jesus set the example to all at His death- which we must all follow. We then looked at all the ways we can show that we are like Jesus.
This we our Children’s Liturgy was all about friendship and how we can be a true friend in Jesus’ eyes- thank you girls for another moving worship…
I can’t believe we have come to the end of our first half term in Year 6! It has gone by so quick, but what a start Year 6 have made. They have all grown so much in the last few weeks, developing their independence and reflecting on the areas they know they need to wok on- we couldn’t be more prouder of them. Make sure they get lots of rest this short break, so that they are ready and raring to go for another busy, run-up to Christmas. It has been so lovely to talk to you all at the parent’s meetings, celebrating the successes of each one of them.
We have now read up to chapter 10 of our class novel and it has definitely left us wanting more- I can’t wait to read more when we get back and find out just what Daniel’s next test will be! We have looked closer in to the characters, finding evidence from the book as to whether they are good or evil and have even wrote a diary entry as the main character. In Maths we are continuing with our ‘redistribution’ strategy, compensating numbers to make tricky calculations easier to manage! In History, we looked closely as to why Henry broke away from the Catholic church, doing a spot of drama, advising him, to help him make his decision…
We are really looking forward to going away after half term, it is a perfect way to all come together and learn more about one another. We are asking all children to arrive at school at 9:30am on Monday morning, at the Kenilworth gate entrance, where we will gather in the ‘All Stars’ room next to the Year 6 classroom. Please bring your child to drop them off, and at this point you can give us any medication that we will need for the children. School will be open if you are unable to drop your child at this later time. Unfortunately, you will not be able to stay and see your child on to the coach as we will be leaving at a slightly later time, as Castlerigg does not expect us until midday. Instead, we will spend the morning doing some short tasks in preparation for their retreat.
If your child does need medication for the week, then please make sure that this is clearly labelled with their name. We will have forms for you to fill out on the day.
We can assure you that this week, we will love and look after your children, whilst making sure that they have the best time and grow deeper in their faith! All children now know their rooms and groups while they are away. Sadly, as you may also now know, I am unable to attend this trip. However, your children are in very safe hands with Mr Cornwell, Mrs Gregan, Mrs Webster and Miss Liddel. Every evening their will be a post on the blog about their day and hopefully a photo or two of each group, which we will try our hardest to make sure every child is on the photographs, but please do not be worried if they are missed off.
On the Wednesday, our coach will be picking us up 1:00pm, so we aim to arrive back approximately 3:00pm. However, this is traffic dependent, so therefore, we will be in contact with school to give a more accurate time and then you will receive a text message, so you know when to come and collect them.
I know you have a kit list list which I am sure you have all studied, but just a couple of reminders of the vital items:
Duvet cover or sleeping bag
no valuable or electrical items please (apart from a hairdryer if necessary)
make sure all clothing items are labelled with names
packed lunch box filled with food and refillable bottle
indoor and outdoor shoes
a book or a notebook to write in for quiet time
bags will be carried by the children and have to be lifted up stairs by themselves up to their rooms, so please make sure you pack lightly.
Lastly, parents: relax and enjoy, with the reassurance that they will be in safe hands and have the BEST time!