Year 6 home learning 7th October

English - Reading - Read, read, read, read every single day for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Are you quizzing regularly enough? Some still haven’t quiz since they’ve been back, let’s change that and get to our targets.

Grammar- Over the half term our focus is on sentence structure, looking at different sentence types and how we can connect clauses using conjunctions. There are two main type of conjunctions and we have to be able to identify and us these. Please practice using the IXL strands below:

MM1 - Identify coordinating conjunctions

MM2- Identify subordinating conjunctions

Spellings - this week we are focusing on words with the ending ‘ant’

Maths - Please complete the following strands on IXL to multiply fractions:

N1- Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using number lines

N2- Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using models