"Let there be light" Gensis

We started the week with Oli our director from the RSC - we impressed with our battle scene opening and our knowledge of the play - It was great fun! Sadly, the coach company have not clarified the price of the coach fare for the Monday and Tuesday- but Mrs Hodges has informed me that I’ll be able to post this on Monday. Here is a reminder of the important dates and how to get your tickets for the performance:

Monday 14th March - we will be travelling to the theatre via coach for our technical rehearsal with the staff at the Grand 9:05 to 10:05 (we may come to school a little earlier that day- I’ll let you know)

Tuesday 15th March we will be at the Theatre in the Monday for a full rehearsal with the other school. At 1:00pm we will be performing the play to an audience. School will provide transport back so children can come home for tea and rest. The children then have to return to Blackpool for 5:30pm for a second performance at 6:00pm. The show will finish at approx 7:00- 7:15ish all children will need picking up after the show from outside the theatre.

The children will be performing in black - black leggins and t-shirts and most importantly black shoes and black socks - will will need these for the week beginning 7th March

Tickets for the two performances can be purchased from The Grand theatre - here is a link



Choir practice will take place every Monday after school at 3:20pm to 4:00pm. The first session will be Monday 7th March. If your child would like to attend, please click the link below and fill in the form. When choir finishes at 4:00pm, your child can be collected from the front school gate.

Remember your football and netball days

THURSDAY - WORLD BOOK DAY - time to get creative!

Know your lines - so we can rock this play

Shrove Tuesday - don’t forget the pancakes - we covered this day in RE and the children are looking forward to it! We also made the connection between Jesus’ time in the dessert and Lent. We have all sorts of plans for helping us be closer to God during the next 6 weeks, these include: a prayer carpet in class, music to arrive to in the morning, a weekly stillness session in the chapel and raising money for CAFOD - I’ll keep you posted.


This week the grow your brain certificate went to Abi and Lena

Our compassionate award went to Julia

Have a lovely weekend - from the whole Year 5 team