"Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it"

Firstly, a massive thank you to Mrs Nel and Miss Forster. In my absence this week, due to Covid, these wonderful teachers have stepped up and supported all the children with meaningful and enjoyable lessons. I have been able to support from home with the wonders of technology but it is the hands that are present that touch hearts.

This week the children have been super creative - we have spent time exploring new worlds as we continued investigating Science Fiction. This week we began to bring together our grammar and language work with our creative writing again. The children have written setting descriptions for Tatooine (familiar to all Star Wars fans). Can’t wait to read them now! In Maths we have mastered the reading of line graphs and applying our calculation strategies to questions posed by them. We are now focused on the skill of plotting data too. Our class novel is nearing its end as we get to know Kensuke. The children are getting very good at looking for evidence in the text

In music we have composed our own compositions to match the planets we have created - Mrs Mallison was delighted! Madame Jefferson focused on sentence structure and Mrs Curtis had a lovely lesson despite losing her voice. In the lesson the children were given two William Morris wallpaper samples and challenged to recreate the rest of the page in design and color match. They used watercolors and thin brushes to add all the detail- very relaxing. Mr Nay led the hockey and Miss Forster reports that the survival lesson was successful and focused.

On Wednesday Mrs Nel led the girls growing up talk - thank you for all the helpful questions girls. Finally, on Friday the children completed reading assessments and a beautiful RE lesson on Peir Giorgio. If you have time please look him up. He was such an ordinary boy who was extraordinary in so many ways.

Time to Celebrate

This week the grow your brain certificates went to:

Kai for his focus and Stephanie - a real Roger Robin - well done.


Please read Miss Hornby’s letter - important information here


Next Friday 11th is World Habitat Day and as Year 5 is the Eco- council will be taking part in a conservation task down at the beach

Next Friday the class will be walking down to the beach once more to meet the Wildlife Trust organization. This time the children will be helping with the conservation of the dunes creating barriers to catch sand. The children will be making barriers using discarded/recycled Christmas trees. As in October the children will need to come to school in their own warm/old clothes - trainers and comfy tracky bottoms. The children need a warm coat and a hat/gloves are recommended. The children will need their water bottle but no other equipment. We will be returning to school for lunch.

SWIMMING - next Thursday will be our final session (for most children). We will be completing our second survival class and we will therefore require the same clothing as this week: Normal uniform, then in their kit bag: swimwear and pajamas / leggings and long sleeve t-shirt.

Thank you - have a lovely weekend