Year 3 4.02.22 'The more clearly you understand yourself and your emotions, the more you become a lover of what is.'

What an exciting and different week we have had in Year 3 this week. Year 3 have had to had to be such Sadie Spiders, showing real resilience and a lot of patience while we have all got used to our new, but temporary, classroom and what great resilience and adaptability they have shown! Change is never easy at the best of times, but we have all took our new routines and surroundings in our stride and their learning has continued to rocket. Although we will have to admit it has been as Julia Donaldson wrote ‘a squash and a squeeze’ and we can’t wait to get back to the comfort of our own classroom. Well done parents for spotting your child waiting for you somewhere different, I don’t think we had any parents walking past and forgetting, which is impressive!

Year 3 Learning this week …

During our RHE lessons this week, we have been exploring different feelings and emotions, discussing how complicated these feelings can be when we are trying to understand people but also sometimes its difficult to know how we, ourselves, are feeling at times. We used our drama skills to show how sometimes our inside feelings can be different to how we demonstrate this on the outside by our actions and looked at ways to help us make more positive choices when we are acting out. This is a skill we will be regularly addressing in Year 3 as they start to make sense of their own feelings.

This week we have continued our bridging unit in Mathematics, ready to grapple with those trickier numbers. We have been learning new strategies to help us become more efficient when adding and subtracting, and the children have done so well with this. Reinforcement and consistent practice is key to this, so they can use these strategies proficiently whilst reasoning about numbers, so thank you for your support and patience during the homework. I know this is always tricky, when of course these strategies are not what we were taught at school, but sticking to what has been taught in class, helps your children so much. You will be pleased to know we have more strategy practice this week for homework.

We started our new English unit this week and we loved looking at all the illustrations from books we are going to be looking at over the next few weeks. We have used our tentative language to raise questions, make connections and predictions about these texts. In grammar our continued focus is how we can use our subordinate conjunctions to make complex sentences, and they have had great fun talking in their microphones inventing wonderful sentences about the pictures. We can’t wait to see them use these within their writing!

We have also been using our research skills to discover more about our teeth. The children worked with a partner, and demonstrated just how well they can co-operate, support and encourage each other! Well done Year 3!

Let’s Celebrate!

Our Determined and Co-operative learner CORA: We have been so impressed by your wonderful determination and co-operative skills this week Cora! It was lovely to watch you and your partner in PE sharing your ideas to create an exciting routine. We also want to say a big thank you for your kindness. Whenever there there is a job that needs doing you are always one of the first to offer your help. Thank you Cora!

Our Determined and Focused learner MILLIE: Each day you show such wonderful determination, focus and interest towards your learning. Your focus during math’s when drawing your arrays was super. You paid such care and attention to make sure that your work was neat and clear… very important when using arrays! We have also been wowed by your descriptive piece of writing, which included lots of beautiful adjectives. A huge well done Millie! Keep up the great work.


  • Don’t forget to book on to our open afternoon on Wednesday 16th March to look at your child’s learning. You book this through the form found on the last week’s blog on the discovery page.