This weeks spelling strategy is: Jumble Words
Using plastic magnetic letter shapes, or individual letters written onto card or paper, first spell out the word, then scramble the letters into the pile and let your child assemble the word again. As they gain confidence, you can start with the word jumbled, and even have them assemble words from a letter pile.
This week we have focused on adding the suffix -ian
music - musician
magic - magician
electric - electrician
optic - optician
politic - politician
technic - technician
This week the children have worked so hard on their bridging when subtracting. They have been learning the following strategy in school and need that extra reinforcement at home. We started using counters so they could visually see the two parts being taken away, so if you feel they still need this help then please feel free to use these raisons, grapes or even chocolate (good incentive!) are good substitutes.
Here are some examples to help:
In your home learning books please use this strategy to calculate the following:
14 - 6 =
15 - 9 =
13 - 8 =
15 - 7 =
12 - 8 =
This week we have continued to learn all about reconciliation. We want you to spend some time this week discussing times when you have had to ask for forgiveness and when you have had to forgive: How did you feel? How did you feel after saying sorry? How did the other person feel? How did they feel afterwards? What lessons did you learn.
In your homework book we would like you to share one of these memories, including some of the questions above… What happened? How did you feel? How did you other person feel? How was the problem resolved? How did you and your friend feel after? What lessons have you learnt?
Remember, not to include names instead you could write ‘friend’.