This week....

A strange week weather-wise, we have managed to have prolonged periods of time in the garden when the sun has shone and warmed us, at other times it has been wet and dull. However, our spirits at nursery are never dampened and our love of learning together continues no matter what.

This months planning aims to encourage the children to become confident about coming up with their own ideas and to make more links between those ideas. The children have been using pretend play to think beyond the ‘here and now’ and to understand another perspective. For example, role-playing by creating the imaginative world of fairies, pixies, goblins and trolls!


Lent is the time when we make a special effort to grow more like Jesus and allow God's love to shine in everything we do. We began our Lenten preparations on Shrove Tuesday when we enjoyed tasting pancakes with a variety of toppings!

We have made a huge Lenten promise poster that we aim to fill with smiley faces; one face every time we grow an extra bit of love through acts of kindness and become a bit more like Jesus.

As always nursery will be joining the school almsgiving through Lent. This year it will focus on CAFOD’s Walk Against Hunger and we will be praying for all those around the world who are in desperate need. The children will be asking you to support them.

This week you will have received a box full of raisins for the children to eat and enjoy. We are asking that you fill the empty box with money, and the children and nursery ladies will pledge walk two laps of the school field every day over the next five weeks, in our lead up to Holy Week. We are hopeful that if every family donates at least £5 we should be able to head towards that collective magical £1000 for this very worthy cause.

Below are some of the items and support which CAFOD is hoping to provide:

  • £12 can buy ingredients to make a highly nutritious sesame seed paste so a new mum can help her malnourished child grow big and strong

  • £20 can fund expert nutrition and healthcare classes for new mums and dads in rural communities

  • £200 can feed ten malnourished children sesame paste for a week, helping them grow big and strong

  • £500 can provide an entire community with pepper seeds for planting season

  • £600 can help local experts deliver a highly effective door-to-door campaign in rural communities, training people in proper sanitation, hygiene and nutrition

Key Person blog

What an action packed week we have had in Nursery! The Spring sunshine made a brief appearance and it was so lovely playing outside with COATS OFF (for the one day it was warm enough to!!)!! We have enjoyed talking about pancake day and eating them too, started to look at signs of Spring and celebrating all things books on World Book Day.

We have used lemons for making bright prints with paint, been curious with our primary colours by mixing them together. We have continued to really work on our super scissors skills; cutting out shapes! We are getting very good

 The sound ‘k’ has tried to confuse us this week. He sounds the same as ‘c’ but looks rather different! Can you remember anything that starts with this letter? Click here to watch Geraldine Giraffe find out about ‘k’

 What amazing creativity we have seen shine through this week with our Duplo building and role play. There has been loads of giant floor puzzles, group games and construction completed. What great team work everyone—you have been just like our new learning character ‘Be Co-operative’ Roger Robin.

 Michelle, Hannah, Colette, Justine and Frances

We are doing really well exploring the number 5. Have ago at ‘Today’s number’ game. Click here to play Remember today’s number is 5. Enjoy!

The children have also been noticing some signs of fairies in our garden and classroom. Watch this space as we investigate further! I think we may be in for a few surprises!

Let’s hope the sunshine makes a prolonged appearance this weekend and we can all get out and about. Have a lovely weekend whatever your plans may be and we will see you all on Monday.
