This week...

One more week before the Easter holiday, I hope we can make it! The children have worked so hard this half term and they are all now in need of a good rest….and chocolate!

I hope all our mummy’s enjoyed their Mothers’ Day surprises. The children were so excited to give them to you, especially the chocolates!

You will have noticed that our new outdoor areas are now complete. We officially unveiled the bridge and took turns to walk across it. We all agreed it is much “bigger” and “higher” than the previous one. We love it!!! The children now would like a tunnel which they could slide inside…no pressure!

Key Person Blog

Well it’s been another fun packed busy week in nursery. The children have been busy making colourful Easter cards and beautiful Easter light catchers that are currently brightening up our nursery windows and making it look like church stained glass windows.

We have been building bridges, walkways and all sorts of balancing apparatus with our new wooden planks and building resources. The children have been practicing their fundamental movement skills over the past weeks and it is noticeable how good their jumping, hopping, running and catching and throwing is getting. We have had great fun using the parachute with games such as cat and mouse, teddy bounce and catching the air inside the parachute to make a huge balloon. We also have introduced our giant outdoor stretchy band. We played Sally go round the moon, stretched the band into an enormous circle and then let it go….wow it was very springy!

The children have been asking to play lots of board games (Snakes and Ladders is a firm favourite). Our turn taking and dice skills are just getting better and better.

On our new stage area outside the children has been a huge success. On Thursday the children performed an act for their friends. Britain’s got Talent here we come! We thought we would video the next performance and then you can watch too!

Michelle, Colette, Justine, Frances and Hannah


We continue our journey through Holy Week. The children now confidently recall the events leading up to Jesus' death by crucifixion and His Resurrection. Click here to watch a video of the Easter Story.

Each day we have tried to be a little bit more like Jesus and our Lenten Heart is overflowing with smiley faces, one for each act of generosity, gratitude, kindness, love, helpfulness and thoughtfulness. Also, thank you for your kind generosity, our Lenten collection now stands at £119.58…fantastic! Thank you so much!

Each day, rain or shine we have completed our Cafod Walk against Hunger. Click here if you would like to find out more. The children have been stoic in their determination to walk and to help others. We are so proud of them all.


For anyone that has missed Gerald Giraffe here are the sounds we have been focusing on this half term (c, k, u, b, f,)

Click here for c

Click here for K

Click here for u

Click here for b

Click here for f

Heads up for next half term e, l, h, sh, r


Here are some number games for you to play if you have time!

Click here for Easter Teddy numbers

Click here for the Gingerbread Man game

Click here for Buds number Garden

After Easter Hannah will be moving next door to work in Reception. This is a huge transitional asset for the children who will be going into Reception in September.

Just like all of the nursery team I’m sure you would like to wish her well. Although she will be greatly missed in nursery, we will still be able to see her over the garden wall!

For the Summer term I will be taking over Hannah’s key group, supported by Justine. We will have a fabulous time, I can’t wait!

Next week I will be sending home some fun activity sheets for the Easter holidays, I hope you enjoy doing them. Watch out for them in your child’s book bag.

Finally, we break for the Easter Holidays on Friday at 2pm and return on Tuesday 19th April. Have a lovely weekend everyone and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.
