it is better to debate a question without setting it, than to settle a question without debating it" J Joubert

It is clear that all the children have had a very positive Easter break. They have all come back ready to learn. I have been so impressed with their resilience and enthusiasm.

We have launched into debating in English and division in maths (nice link there)! In Science we have moved onto “Materials” (chemistry) there was a great deal of practical experimenting on Thursday, as we explored the effect of hot and cold water on butter and salt. Lots more science to come! Mrs Nel enjoyed teaching time zones around the planet (focus on North American countries) - in fact she said this class was the quickest at grasping the concept. I know the children were able to make links between their work on Space and how the Earth moves and the concept of time zones- well done team 5!

In RE we have begun to explore life with the risen Christ and how we bear witness to him. With fun outside during athletics and in the hall for gymnastics - it feels like we have crammed five days of learning into four!! Well done one and all!


The Grow Your Brain Certificates went to: Esme, Saul and Holly Rose - well done!

Compassion Certificates: Hollie Rose and Julia

There is a special mention too for Kieffer who has complete the TTRockstars and is in the 420 club!!


I posted over the Easter holiday requesting that all children replenish their pencil cases. Thank you to everyone who has. I have reminded the children to remind you - when a child is organized it opens the learning up when they are struggling with broken equipment (we will rescue) - it does create a small but significant barrier.

PE - Friday - Please wear shorts under tracksuit bottoms for quick efficient change (can only do apparatus work in shorts) - Thank you!

FOOTBALL PRACTICE - if you would like to join the football sessions on Tuesday please fill in the form press the link below:

Have a lovely weekend!