This week.....

This week has been a little different. It has been a ‘getting to know you week’ with Reception! We have had great fun learning and playing alongside the Reception children and teachers. Everyone loved getting to know each other and made lots of new friends. We read the story ‘Colour Monster goes to school’. Click here to listen.

Sports Day this year starts our Health and Happiness week in school. It is being held on Monday 13th June at 1.45 - 2.45 pm. We are happy to tell you that parents are invited to this event as well as all the children. However, if it is not your usual session we ask that you collect your child from the nursery entrance after the event has finished.

Our experiment form last week had some success, our white roses which we put in the blue water turned blue, the flower with water of course died as did the flower we put in milk. Sadly the flowers in the green water and red water also died! Mmmm we couldn’t fathom why. We are going to run the experiment again after the holidays

Meaningful May

Here is a monthly calendar with a happiness challenge for you all to do every day during May. Look our for Joyful June!

Key person blog

The children have had a marvellous week at nursery, we have spent every morning on the school field  enjoying lots of different activities like obstacle courses, football, den building, cloud gazing, skittles, construction and lots lots more.

This week we have been practising our fundamental movement skills in readiness for Sports Day. We have also nearly finished our sports day T-shirt’s with our own designs. We are going to look so fabulous. There are still a few children who don't yet have their T-shirt to decorate. We don’t want any child to miss out so please make sure you send in a named plain white T-shirt, it doesn’t have to be new. We must say they are all looking splendid!!

Here are some physical activities for you tp try at home. Click here.

We have also learnt about baby animals, they all have different names, there are a lot to remember. This song helps us remember. Click here

Here is a jigsaw game you may want to do too. Click here

We have also been looking at shapes in the environment. We decided to make giant shapes using our bodies. The children made a giant triangle, a giant circle, and then a giant square.

Music is always a popular activity at nursery so along with the Reception children we had a outdoor music session on the field. Colette played her guitar to help us keep in tune! We've also enjoyed lots of singing circle games, at one point there was nearly sixty children in our circle! That was great fun!

Snack in the mornings have been al fresco picnics. We made a  giant fairy ring on the field using huge bobbins as seats.

 I think we are all in need of a rest after our busy week!

Barbara, Colette, Michelle, Justine and Frances


An exciting week! Nursery was invited to join in KS1 assembly in the hall. We were so proud of them. Everyone sat beautifully and joined in all the singing and prayers. Miss Hornby told us the story of why Jesus is called the ‘Good Shepherd’ and how he takes care of us all just like a shepherd looks after his sheep. She explained that whenever we feel lost or scared, we should ask for Jesus’ help. He always listens and will show us the way.

In chapel this week we read the story of Noah’s Ark. We discussed how God was sad that people were not looking after our wonderful earth, that’s why he sent the floods. When we got back to nursery we got our huge Noah’s Ark out and marched the animals in two by two. Click here to listen to the story of Noah’s Ark.

Our singing in the chapel is so beautiful (and loud). We now know so many beautiful songs and its so uplifting hearing all their angelic voices.

May I remind everyone that Our Jubilee Afternoon Tea is next Friday 2-3.30pm. You will need to send a plate of name food in (one sandwich cut into bitesize pieces, one small celebratory bun and one packet of crisps). Everyone is to come dressed in red, white and blue!

If you can recall about five weeks ago we wrote a letter and drew some pictures to send to Her Majesty The Queen…guess what…we have had reply! Sadly she in unable to attend our afternoon tea party but she send her best wishes. We are all (especially me) sooooooo very excited. Take a look at these fabulous pictures.

Finally, because I can’t top a letter from the Queen, I would just like to say have a lovely weekend, I believe it is going to be sunny and I will see you all on Monday.
