Year 6 Weekly Blog - "Life is like a rollercoaster. It has its ups and downs, but it's your choice whether to scream or enjoy the ride."

Wow what a rollercoaster, jam-packed week Year 6 have had this week. I hardly know where to start…

Firstly, to say we are so incredibly proud of each and every one of them this week. There was an array of emotions on Monday, as they started their SAT’s journey, however each child has taken each day well and truly in their stride, showing so much bravery, resilience and such positive mindsets. T hey have been such an inspiration. In the hall, they were incredibly focused and you could see how they put all of their learning that they have acquired over the years in to every question, approaching each paper, with a careful yet thorough approach. We really couldn’t have asked any more of them, they have done their best and that is all that we hoped for. Thank you for all of your support this week, all of those early nights and keeping them calm at home really did all pay off, so well done!

Once their last paper was completed, it was time for our annual traditional treat of choc-ices and finding out the end of year play and we felt the choice was most definitely ‘practically perfect in every way’. The children are so excited to start rehearsals for Mary Poppins. Then it was straight on to audition rehearsals and then the auditions themselves. This, to me, was the highlight of the week. How each one of them, took a risk, pushed inhibitions aside and allowed themselves to shine in another way, was amazing. Each one of them, stunned us with their acting capabilities and singing voices. They have of course found out their parts today, as well as their job choices, and I hope this has made them even more excited about their final half term at Our Lady’s. It really is a whole Year 6 team approach, where every part is crucial to the success of the play. The term is centered around the theme of ‘giving back’ and serving the school community, to show appreciation for all that is has provided and of course, leaving their mark on the school as they prepare to take their new journey to high school. Their letters of application that they wrote earlier this week, show the children’s full understanding of this and have left members of staff very teary, with some of their beautiful words.

Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee

Just a little reminder that on June 8th we are celebrating in style with a Red White and Blue Day. At lunch time we will enjoy a whole school picnic outside on the field (let’s pray for a sunny day!). Jacqui, our school cook, has ordered special lunchboxes which will be filled with a picnic feast. If your child already has school lunches, you need to do nothing. However, if your child normally brings their own packed lunch, you can order a special picnic box by pressing here and completing a form. This must be paid for in advance on ParentPay at a cost of £2.35.

Forms need to be completed by 8pm on Friday 13th May.

Next week …

There has been much excitement and much anticipation in the classroom this week for their ‘holiday’ next week. The teachers also are getting ready and looking forward to spending the week with Year 6, it is the perfect way to end this half term- making memories with the class and teachers they have gone through school with, as well as pushing themselves to do things they have never done before. These children are capable of great things and I know we are going to have a great week away with them.

We are asking all children to arrive at school at 9am on Monday morning, where they will come though the main gate and office, where we will gather in the hall to wait for the coach and receive any medication that we will need for the children. During this time, you are more than welcome to either say your goodbyes then or hang about and wave your children off.

If your child does need medication for the week, then please make sure that this is clearly labelled with their name and is with the form that Mrs Gregan emailed out to you. The form is below in case you need it again.

We can assure you that this week, we will love and look after your children, whilst making sure that they have the best time and achieve everything that is thrown at them- even tidying their rooms and making their own beds! Every evening their will be a post on the blog about their day at Water Parks and hopefully a photo or two of each group, which we will try are hardest to make sure every child is on the photographs, but please do not be worried if they are missed off.

On the Friday, our coach will be picking us up from Water Parks at 1:30pm, so we aim to arrive back approximately 3:30pm. However, this is traffic dependent, so therefore, we will be in contact with school to give a more accurate time and then you will receive a text message, so you know when to come and collect them.

I know you have a kit list list for Water Parks which I am sure you have all studied, but just a couple of reminders of the vital items:

  • no valuable or electrical items please (apart from a hairdryer if necessary)

  • make sure all clothing items are labelled with names

  • packed lunch box and refillable bottle

  • indoor and outdoor shoes

  • a book or a notebook to write in for quiet time

  • talent show- if music is required, then please send the song either as a mp3 file, USB stick or a CD as their is not a great Wi-Fi connection at all.

  • bags will be carried by the children and have to be lifted up stairs by themselves up to their rooms, so please make sure you pack lightly.

Lastly, you relax and enjoy the week, with the reassurance that they will be in safe hands and have the BEST time!

Have a lovely weekend, re-charging those batteries for a very active week.