Thank you! - from your Year 5 team

This has been a week of two halves. Mrs Hotchkiss covered as much maths as possible on Monday and Tuesday before disappearing on Wednesday to join Year 6 at Water Parks and Mrs Nel took over completing our science, class novel, geography, writing redraft and art. Miss Brisco joined us on Friday to help with RE - before we finished a very productive half term.

To all the children THANK YOU for trying your very best and sticking with it when the going got tough. Remember we are always here to help and support- you really can do whatever you put your mind to. Have a wonderful well earned break. I’ve popped a message in the home learning section to help keep some keys skills ticking over.

God Bless - Your Year 5 team

Awards this week went to: James and Lexi - WELL DONE ! Well done too to all the children who reached their reading targets this half term (18 of us) and also to the those who have shown really resilience and reached their TT target!