Year 6 Weekly Blog- “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.” J K Rowling

This power was most certainly evident in the Year 6 classroom this week and as Mark reminded us on Wednesday (May 4th) that it was in fact the annual Star Wars Day! So, with this in mind, we have decided that every day, we are going to say ‘may the force be with you’, to remind ourselves that we hold this power, our inner strength, to do the best that we can, and as we remind the children daily, that their best is ALWAYS good enough. This week in class, the children have most certainly given just that… they have worked incredibly hard, as Mrs Gregan has said they have done all year round. From my time with them in Year 5, I have seen such progress in all of them, in their work, their resilience and their whole attitude to their learning, which makes us all so proud of them already. To us they have already achieved so much.

Revision and building confidence approaching SAT’s style questions has been the driving force behind all of our learning this week. We have revised and have an even deeper learning of word classes, looking in detail at the function of each word within the sentence. In Maths we have looked at how to find the area of a triangle and applied this some challenging puzzles, which Year 6 rose to with great determination! On top of this we have ensured our reading has continued, looking through past papers and the style of questioning. In Gymnastics this week, we worked in groups to create and perform group sequences using various equipment. There was plenty of creative movements and risk taking, resulting in some wonderful performances. They all worked so well together, planning, listening to one another’s ideas, it was lovely to see.

Well done to Jacob and Meadow

Jacob well done for your real focus during lessons this week, you are showing us just what you can do, with great focus, independence and resilience! We also loved your risk taking and collaborative work during gymnastics this week, wowing the audience with your daring sequence.

Meadow, thank you for being such an enthusiastic learner, for always approaching tasks no matter how difficult with a smile and a positive attitude.

Going Forward …

Monday will be the start of the children’s SAT’s journey and they are extremely ready for this! There will of course be some nerves and anticipation this weekend on the run up, but the most important thing to do over the next few days is to relax, exercise, have plenty of sleep and eat healthy. We need those brains ready and raring to go! If the children, or you, would like to do a little revision to keep their learning ticking over then, we have sent a a word class revision map to prepare them for their grammar on Monday and a short reading task to do. This is not compulsory; however, it may just give them a bit of practice and confidence before the week begins. On Friday, the children set up the hall ready for Monday, so they all know exactly what they are walking in to and where to sit, think there was even some excitement by the time we left the hall!


Next week’s timetable is as follows so that you know which each day holds. Please ensure that your child is in school on time after a really good night sleep and a substantial breakfast…

Monday am: Grammar, punctuation and Spelling test.

               pm: reading revision focus

Tuesday am: Reading test

                Pm: maths revision focus

Wednesday am: Arithmetic and Reasoning 1 test

                      pm: maths revision focus

Thursday am: Maths Reasoning 2 test

                  pm: read through of script and auditions

Friday: Interview for jobs around school (dress to impress)

Have a wonderful and restful weekend and thank you for your continued support.

Year 6 team