Sports Day extravaganza!!!!

First of all, apologies to everyone for making you wait till Monday for our blog, but I just ran out of time!

We kick started Health and Happiness week with Nursery and Reception Sports Day and what a fabulous time we all had! Thank you for coming and supporting us, didn’t we look good in our bespoke t- shirts? Everyone worked so hard at all the activities, it was such good fun. We had lots of Bobby Bees, Sadie Spiders and Tommy Turtles.

Key person blog

Wow- what a wonderful week we had last week. we have been so busy with Sports day, trips to the library and the beach.

Sports Day was so much fun! It was so lovely to have so many grown ups join us to cheer us along. We all enjoyed moving around the different stations and trying out different activities with our team. Moving our bodies in different ways gave us the chance to try new things and ‘have a go’ like Tommy Turtle! There were lots of smiling faces all afternoon especially when we ended the day with a yummy rocket ice lolly! Lots of ideas here for active fun- Click here

Wednesday was also very exciting - some of us went on adventures outside of the nursery and into the community! We will all get a chance to do this over the coming weeks. In the morning 6 of us went to the library. We had a look at all the books and joined in with their story time session. It was all about Winnie the Pooh, we coloured some pictures and joined in with a game of indoor pooh sticks. The nursery ladies were very intrigued by this game—we will definitely be playing this one again with the children in nursery! In the afternoon another 6 children went to the beach. This was great fun—we looked for shells and pebbles and even buried some of the nursery ladies legs in the sand! The trips gave us a great opportunity to practise our listening skills, making sure we were very careful crossing the roads and walking nicely with our friends. We made lots of people smile along the way and we had a great time. Don’t worry if your child was not in one of the groups, as we will be making sure that all the children will get an opportunity to go on a walk over the next few weeks. All the children were very well behaved and had lots of fun.

Some ideas to try at the beach here

We have continued to care for our garden and this week we have had to measure the sunflowers as they are growing so tall. We are also so excited to see the strawberries are starting to ripen and our potatoes are coming into flower. Our wildflower meadow is attracting so many insects. Click here to find out how you can do the same.

The children have enjoyed exploring symmetry using the paint to make beautiful butterflies. We had fun getting messy making the paint go splat onto the paper! We painted one side of the paper, folded it in half, pressed the paint down then unfolded it to see the magic happen! The children were amazed to see their patterns had been repeated on the other side of the paper.

The tadpoles are getting bigger everyday but as yet, have not grown any legs. Our snails had lots of races in the garden before we released them back to the wild and our caterpillars are so big now, we think they will be making their cocoons soon, ready for their metamorphosis- this is one of our wow words we have learnt, we love to learn new words and use them in our conversations. We also discovered some new facts about ladybirds. Did you know ladybirds don’t have ears or a nose? Our investigations and discoveries continue daily.

Tips here to encourage minibeasts in your garden or outdoor space- Click here

We have continued to learn all about number 8 and we have explored how number 8 can be made in lots of ways- ask your child to show you number 8 with their fingers.

Our funky fingers have had lots of exercise this week as we practised our pre-writing skills by squashing and squeezing the clay and making swirly patterns in the shaving foam- great for developing those muscles we will need at school for writing.

We have lots more learning planned for this week.

Until Friday!

Barbara, Michelle, Colette, Stephanie, Justine and Frances

As you can see we have been very busy. This week we are hoping to go to the library and the beach again so watch this space!!

As you are aware Ofsted joined us for the day on Friday. A big thank you to everyone who took the time to speak to the Ofsted inspector. We will share with you the outcome of the inspection when the report is published, unfortunately until then we have to keep it top secret! As soon as I receive the final copy I will send you all your own copy to read.
