17.6.22 ‘The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.’

I don’t know about the children but all the grown ups are exhausted at the end of this week! It has been brilliant, so much excitement and learning going on there has been a real buzz in Reception. I think a rest and recharge is definitely in order this weekend. It has been great to see those shiny sun creamed faces coming in in the morning, please keep this up and send hats if this glorious weather continues.

As you all know this week was our sports day! (Miss Lavelle’s favourite day of the year). What a brilliant afternoon we shared with Nursery, it was great to have so many supporters cheering the children on. The children were true athletes showing brilliant sportsmanship and enthusiasm throughout. Blue Harcourt and Green Marsden won our sports day. After four afternoons, the points were all added up and Plessington were the overall school winners. 2nd place Harcourt, 3rd place Marsden and 4th place Bamber, well done to all!

We thought about our five senses this week and what might we see, hear, taste, smell and touch on a trip to the beach. We tried to sort pictures of things from the beach into five hoops, some proved quite tricky. For example, we can see a seagull but we can definitely hear them too, this lead to some brilliant discussions! We also learnt this catchy song below.

This week whilst outside we noticed our shadows were all different shapes and sizes, we started moving our bodies into different shapes and tried to catch each others shadow. It was great fun drawing round our shadows with chalk. Next week we hope to look at how shadows change throughout the day.

With all this hot weather we have had to keep our sunflowers, beans and strawberries well watered. We’re hoping our sunflowers will be in full bloom next week or the week after. Miss Neves has so many strawberries at home she kindly made us some strawberry jam. She took pictures of the process and talked us through it whilst we tucked in to our tasty treat of jam biscuits. The jam was delicious, lots of sticky thumbs up, as you can see!

Let’s Celebrate

Jack is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For working hard with all our Read Write Inc learning this week. We are so impressed with your knowledge of the sounds, all the concentration and effort you are putting in to write them in words and sentences. Well done Jack!

Important Notices

Next week Friday 24th is our ANNUAL GYM JAM JOG (sadly postponed since 2019!)
Below are the details for all joggers, old and new:

  • The children are invited to come to school in their PYJAMAS and bring a cuddly teddy.

  • We arrive super early!!! The gates will open at 8 O'clock.

  • The children are then invited to run with their friends or their grown up (pyjamas not essential).

  • It is important that you count the laps.

This is a sponsored event.
There has been much debate at school council level about what the children would like in their playground and they want a castle!!!!
A place where imaginations can run wild! Needless to say, we need money for the build - we know as a community we can do this!

  •  Use the sponsor form sent home this weekend to ask family and friends to sponsor you for each lap or to donate on the promise that you will jog your heart out!!!

  • We will jog right up until school starts when we will say goodbye to parents and jog into class - ready for breakfast!

We can't wait to share another event with the whole school family together! 
Thank you!

Have a great weekend,

The Reception Team