Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘Winds In The East, Mist Coming In’ Mary Poppins

I can’t believe we are now coming to the end of the children’s Our Lady’s journey, but what a week we have had! The start of the week was the play, and oh my what a performance it was (we told you, you were in for a treat)! The children rose to having an audience and delivered a fantastic show to the rest of the school on Monday morning and then to all their family and friends in the evening. I am sure you all were as teary as we were, as we brimmed with pride, watching what they have all achieved together as a class. They sang, danced and acted their hearts out and of course enjoyed every minute …

On Wednesday we continued our learning on transition, we discussed and reflected on our time at Our Lady’, thinking about the times when we were ‘kid average’ and when we were ‘kid awesome’, learning about how our attitude towards our learning is all our own choice and how we can use this to drive our learning forward at high school. On Thursday/ Friday they then looked at the growth mindset in detail, how we can re-program our brains to never say we can’t do something, but know that we need more practice and how we will approach new areas or challenges. They were all so open and ready to share their feelings and thoughts around all of this. They might not know this yet some of them, but they are all so ready for their next chapter and they all will fly!

On the last day (Wednesday) we thought it would be lovely if the Year 6 parents came to collect your children at the later time of 2:25pm, this gives more time on the playground to say your goodbyes and to take any pictures that you may want to take of their final day at Primary School.

Our leavers day out looks like its set to be a hot one, we will still be going ahead with this day however, we have made some slight changes and will be further assessed on Monday. After the golf at Fairhaven, instead of a walk along the front and playing games on the beach, we have decided to stay at Fairhaven and have our lunch, as their is much more shade. It is imperative that all children MUST have a bag with them, containing plenty of fluids, snacks, hat and sun-cream. They are able to wear their own clothes on this day, however please could we be mindful of the appropriateness of outfits as attending mass first. Sensible shoes for walking must also be worn.

Well done to Emma and Adam

We have carried on with Mrs Gregan’s tradition of letting the children choose who they believe deserve the end of term certificates, I have to say it was a very close one but these two children got the most votes:

Emma for always being so helpful and Jolly. Adam for trying his hardest in all his work and going that extra mile to reach your goals. Well done to the both of you.


Remember to bring a spare polo shirt to school on Monday for staff and Year 6 to sign.

Please remember water bottles, hats and sun-cream next week- it’s going to be a hot one!

On Monday could children please bring a couple of plastic bags ready for books to be sent home.

Monday 18th July- Mass to celebrate Miss Hornby at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church.

Tuesday Leavers mass 9:30am followed by the leavers day out.

Wednesday is the final day- pick up at 2:25pm on the playground.