15.7.22 - ‘There’s the whole world at your feet’ - Bert the Chimney Sweep

Our final full week in Reception, I can’t quite believe how quick the time has flown! It has been a busy week with many memorable moments. On Monday we were taken on an adventure to 17 Cherry Tree Lane. We absolutely loved watched Year 6 and Year 5 perform Mary Poppins, we were amazed to see all the objects that came out of Mary Poppins’ magic carpet bag! The play inspires the creations in our workshop this week with some very special kites being made and flown around the playground to reeditions of ‘Let’s go fly a kite!’

Tuesday brought more excitement as the class met Miss Drummond, their new teacher. Miss Drummond loved getting to know the children who as you can imagine had so many things to tell her! I think the children are becoming more excited for Year One as the days go by, they are asking questions and wondering what they might learn!

We have been having a final push this week on our fluency when reading. We have played reading games and read books in pairs in our phonics groups, and have definitely improved in just a few days! It fills us with joy to see how excited the class are to learn news sounds and get even better at reading.

Every week we have a ‘Friday Tidy’, our best tidy of the week, today’s Friday tidy lasted all morning! We worked as a team to sort out our toys and resources, checking we had all the puzzle pieces or all the pieces to play a game. The children are really proud of their classroom and understand how important it is that we care for the resources so we can pass them on to the next Reception class.

Let’s Celebrate

This week the class decided who would receive our class certificates. It was lovely that the children could recognise our learning characters in others, they all really thought about their choices.

Our Super All Round Learners are Bella and Elsie - Your classmates have nominated you for this certificate as you have been a shining role model and have displayed so many of our learning characteristics throughout Reception. We are really proud of all you have achieved, well done!

Important Notices

Reading books - We will be collecting these in on Monday and sending home the children’s work.

Miss Hornby’s Mass - Monday at 6:30pm in church, then at the Parish Centre afterwards. You are all so welcome to celebrate our amazing headteacher.

PE kits - Tuesday only next week please!

Winning house own clothes day - Well done Harcourt for being awarded the most learning points this term. You can come to school wearing your house colour/non uniform on the last day of term Wednesday 20th July.

School closes for the summer holidays at 2pm on Wednesday 20th July for those in Marsden and Harcourt and 2:10pm for those in Bamber and Plessington.

Sun cream and hats - Next week is supposed to be incredibly hot, please remember to wear sun cream and bring a hat.

Have a wonderful sunny weekend,

The Reception Team