Year 2 Weekly Blog 15.7.22 - "Share your smile with the world. It's a symbol of friendship and peace"

The final full week of Year 2 has now passed us by, and although we’re reaching the final days of this term, learning has still continued as normal!

We started our week in the most wonderful way; watching Year 5 and Year 6 performing Mary Poppins! It was great to see how much the children have grown and it definitely inspired many in Year 2 to have a sing song and a dance on the play ground afterwards!

We have continued our measurement learning in Maths and have been measuring length and height in both centimeters and meters. This morning, we then looked at comparing length. The children had to think really carefully about the unit of measurement before deciding which given length was the longest or shortest. This also helped us to revisit those important greater than and less than signs.

In English we have focused on poetry performance. We read and enjoyed Roald Dahl’s poem ‘The Porcupine’ before splitting into groups to create our own actions to help us to remember the poem. These were then performed to the rest of the class. It was lovely to see such confidence oozing from the children!

As we are nearly at the end of our materials learning in Science, we carried out a little investigation. Each pair was given a strange material in front of them which they had to observe closely and make predictions about what they thought it was. The children then learnt how to use the pipettes safely and accurately in order to add little droplets of water to the white substance. There were lots of ‘oooohs’ and ‘aaaaaahs’ as the powder grew before the children’s very eyes! At the end of the lesson, the children were delighted to discover that they had actually made some of their very own snow!

We have been learning all about the Wright Brothers in our History lessons. During our first lesson of the topic, the children were presented with a photograph and were asked to create questions about what they could see in order to find out more. They soon discovered that the Wright Brothers were the first people to invent the first ever powered plane. On Thursday, we then discussed how we know so much about the Wright Brothers now when it happened so long ago in 1903. The children discovered all about sources and how these can help us to find out more information. The class then became detectives in our very own class museum, finding information within sources to determine whether given statements were true or false.

Well done Year 2 - let’s keep up this superb attitude towards learning right up to the final day of term!

Let’s Celebrate

For the final certificates of the year, I asked the class to vote for two children who they felt had displayed the learning characters throughout the whole of the year. I was so proud of the children; they thought really carefully about their choices and made some superb comments. Due to a tie in votes, we ended up with three children receiving the certificate this week.

Rory - some of the comments from your friends include: He always helps me when I struggle. He has been really focused and listens to everyone’s ideas. Rory is a kind friend who is full of respect. Rory concentrates hard in lessons. He has been very loving. Rory is a compassionate friend.

Rose - some of the comments from your friends include: She is always a kind friend. When I am sad, she cheers me up. Rose always concentrates in lessons. Rose because she helps me when I need it and always stays focused.

Matilda - some of the comments from your friends include: She is always nice to me. When I have no one to play with, Matilda will always play with me. Matilda never lifts her head up from her work, she’s always so focused. She always picks me up and helps me if I fall over. Matilda has been a Sadie Spider all year.


Carrier bag - Please can all children bring a sturdy bag, preferably a bag for life shopping bag, to school with them on Monday so that all books can be brought home. Thank you!

Reading books - We have now started to collect reading books so that we can get them back in our school library ready for the new year. This means that once the children have quizzed on their book, they will not receive a new one. Please do keep reading those story books at home throughout the holidays in preparation for Year 3. Please could you also have a really good check for any outstanding reading books at home, even if you’ve had them for a long time; we’d love for them to be back in our library.

Well done Harcourt for being awarded the most learning points this term. You can come to school wearing your house colour/non uniform on the last day of term Wednesday 20th July.

School closes for the summer holidays at 2pm on Wednesday 20th July for those in Marsden and Harcourt and 2:10pm for those in Bamber and Plessington.

Aladdin - I have promised the children that we will watch the whole of Aladdin after now finishing the story as part of our English learning. The film is certified PG, so please do let me know if you do not wish for your child to watch. Thank you.

Miss Hornby’s Mass - Monday at 6:30pm in church, then at the Parish Centre afterwards. You are all so welcome to celebrate our amazing headteacher.

Have a brilliant weekend.
God Bless
Miss Woodend and the rest of the year 2 team