Year 3 blog 15.7. 22 “There’s The Whole World At Your Feet.” - Bert to the Banks children

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious….. could some up our week nicely!

We started the week in the best way possible… watching our Year 6 perform their play, Mary Poppins. It felt like the biggest treat and we were all hooked from start to finish! Not only was it great to watch but it also inspired us when back in the classroom. In English this week, we have been learning more about the poem, The Spider and the Fly. The children have worked in small groups to create pieces of drama based around a part of the poem. We have been so impressed by how well they have worked together, cooperating with each other with compassion and valuing one another’s contributions.

This week in RE we have been learning all about Saint Paul, who, we discovered was originally called Saul. We put our new found drama skills to the test once again and the children created the most wonderful versions of his specials journey to Damascus. We were SO impressed with how the children managed to weave Christian sacraments, traditions and rituals into their pieces of drama.. which showcased their wonderful depth of understanding about our faith. Well done Year 3 you completely WOWED us!

We have also continued to develop our net and ball skills in PE this week. We have continued to improve our own games ready to teach to other groups next week. Each group has created a unique game.. we have a very creative bunch! I think these new games will very much be enjoyed by the rest of the class during our final PE lesson next week!

On Wednesday we had a very special visitor… Mrs Lyons! It was so wonderful for the children to get to know their new teacher… asking her some very difficult and important questions! We now know Mrs Lyons’ favourite food (a particular calamari), her house team (Bamber) and her favourite colour (purple) to name but a few! I know Mrs Lyons loved getting to know everyone and is very much looking forward to teaching them next year!


For the final time this year the children have chosen the certificates, once again impressing us with their ability to recognise in once another what makes them such wonderful learners. This time we ended up with a four-way tie. A huge well done to these four children. To be recoginsed by so many of your peers shows how hard you have worked this year! Thank you for making wonderful learning partners and for always trying your upmost! We know that making a mistake helps us to learn more, managing distractions is crucial, and helping and learning from others can be so powerful… each once of you demonstrate this each and every day!

Elsie… “for being focused and helping others to grow!” “for being kind and generous to others!” “you are a great learning partner and easy to work with.” “you have worked hard and your handwriting is really neat.”

Esther… “thank you for helping me!” “you are very, very kind!” “you make everyone happy and help people in our class.” “for always working well in a team.” “thank you for helping me!” “you are very, very kind!”

Rafe… “for being so co-operative and a great learning partner!” “you are always so focused!” “for sharing your ideas during our class discussions.” “for helping other people focus.”

Isaac… “for being a great partner to sit next to!” “you are always so focused!” “for trying your hardest in all of our lessons.” “for always being engaged in your learning.”

We now head into our final week together. We have absolutely loved being a part of your children’s journey. Watching them grow in confidence, developing crucial social skills and of course seeing them crack tricky new concepts has been such a joy! We cannot wait to enjoy our last few days in year 3, with a fresh box of tissues close at hand!

Below are some of the important notices to be award of:

  1. Miss Hornby’s mass - Monday at 6:30pm in church, then at the parish centre afterwards. You are all so welcome to celebrate our amazing headteacher.

  2. On Wednesday, HARCOURT can come in house colours as they won the housepoint competition this half term.

  3. Children will be bringing school books home on Monday now. Please ensure they have a plastic bag.

  4. Please have a good search in bedrooms etc for any school reading books so we can return them to our library ready for next year.

  5. We break up on Wednesday at 2:00pm

Your Year 3 team x